AMAZON — Remove This Movie — FOREVER!

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Please Protest NOW.
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Amazon has resurrected the 1988 blasphemous, nasty, hateful movie –
The Last Temptation of Christ, and is streaming it worldwide.
“A Jesus who commits sins … who himself speaks blasphemy and idolatry … even trying to merit divine hatred so that God will leave him alone. … a Jesus of fallible, fallen humanity.” (
Will you participate in consoling Our Lord and Our Lady? … Cry tears of love and holy hatred of mortal sin and then …
Today, I ask that you PROTEST this film in honor of last Friday’s feast of the Nativity of Our Lady; of this month’s anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America; and of this week’s Feasts of the Holy Name of Mary, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady.
And in REPARATION for … Caution: 6th and 9th Commandment material.
- Amazon’s worldwide streaming of this Hateful, BLASPHEMOUS movie
- reports “… a notorious scene with Jesus and Mary Magdalene, … married, making love?” Reportedly 30-seconds long.
- “… a close-up depiction of Jesus Christ passionately kissing a woman [Magdalene] in bed.” (
- “Later in the fantasy, after Magdalene dies, he [Jesus] weds Mary of the biblical duo Mary and Martha, then commits adultery with Martha” (Time 8/15/88).
- warns “… graphic nudity throughout …”
- of course – blasphemy OSCAR nominated by Hollywood
STOP the BLASPHEMY … your urgent participation is absolutely critical!