Defend Our Lady, Your Mother.

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Charlie Hebdo, an infamous French satirical magazine, just published a blasphemous image of Our Lady of Lourdes.
The headline reads: Monkeypox: First appearance of the virus in Europe
The suggestion that Our Lady has anything to do with Monkypox is disgusting!
Please SIGN and SHARE our petition!
…but it gets worse.
They write insults down the side of the image and don’t leave the letters out of their spelling to mitigate the offense, as I have done here.
B**ch! — P*g! — S**t! — W**re! — Liar!
Because of your great love and devotion to Mary, share this petition with all of your contacts.
Wouldn’t you demand this be taken down if that was your mother?
They imply that Our Lady was impure and was the first to have an AIDS-type of virus similar to Monkey Pox.
They claim it’s ‘satire’. That’s an outright lie and an impure blasphemy.
Tell Charlie Hebdo – I LOVE OUR LADY OF LOURDES. Stop Offending Her.
Free speech does not allow one to lie; there is no greater lie than implying that Our Lady was impure!
Our Blessed Mother’s image is shown with her mouth open, weeping large tears, hands folded over her extended womb and with her face and hands covered with large, red pox marks like the Monkeypox virus.
Like the AIDs virus, the spread of the MPOX virus is commonly associated with homosexual activity.
Demand that Charlie Hebdo take this image down from their website NOW and stop blaspheming Our Lady!
The text is deliberately vague in order to hide behind relativistic deniability, yet clear enough for all to understand the inescapable insinuation of Our Lady’s promiscuity and, somehow, her responsibility for the MPOX contagion in Europe.
This message is blasphemous and impure, both subtle and brutal and outrageously SINFUL.
Let us make reparation for this outrage as Our Lady at Fatima requested.
>> Console our Mother! – SIGN and SHARE this petition with all of your contacts.
God love you and Mary be with you always!
Robert E. Ritchie, Director, America Needs Fatima