Etsy participates in the Malice of Blasphemy
December 10, 2023
Protest Now
Because of your great love of Our Lord, I’m counting on you to add your name to this petition drive.
Also, please SHARE this petition with your friends on social media!
Our most Pure, Immutable and Divine Lord Jesus Christ is being terribly blasphemed—again!
Etsy, the e-commerce platform for people selling their handmade or vintage items and craft supplies, is allowing the sale of T-shirts carrying a blasphemous and very suggestive depiction of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- … a lit cigarette between His fingers
- … His nail-pierced left hand clutching a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey to Himself
- … sitting at a bar in a STRIP CLUB!
- … with His easy gaze fixed on the immoral entertainer above Him.
If this was an image of Muhammed, the World would ERUPT and Etsy would probably cancel this vendor’s store on their platform immediately, but it’s open-season on Our Lord Jesus Christ, the true God and true Man, and hardly anyone reacts to Our Lord’s pain.
However, we will PETITION and make REPARATION, peacefully, legally and prayerfully!
Will you reject this vile, filthy blasphemy with me and defend Our Lord – Who is, in the historical words of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917 “…already much offended”?
YES, Robert! I will help STOP this horrendous offence Now.
It seems evident that Etsy’s vendor, who calls himself Joseph, and is doing business as TOPNOTCHBYJO, wants to offend and insult Our Lord and His faithful followers.
He even advertises this blasphemous T-Shirt as, “Jesus Sins At The Strip – Funny shirt.”
God love you and Mary be with you always!
Robert E. Ritchie
Director, America Needs Fatima
P.S. “THE MALICE OF BLASPHEMY.— Blasphemy is a sin against the virtue of religion. Blasphemy is of its whole nature (ex toto genere suo) a mortal sin, the gravest that may be committed against religion. The seriousness of an affront is proportioned to the dignity of the person towards whom it is directed. Since the insult in blasphemy is offered to the ineffable majesty of God, the degree of its heinousness must be evident.” (