Protest NFL & Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Lecherous Soft-Porn Super Bowl Ad

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Advisory: READ WITH MORAL CAUTION – Discretion Advised
The Super Bowl is one of the most-watched television events in America, with millions of families — including children — tuning in.
In spite of this, the NFL allowed a soft-porn commercial to air during the Super Bowl!
Hellmann’s Mayonnaise created a commercial that shockingly reenacted the infamous deli scene from When Harry Met Sally — a scene that was scandalous even in 1989. The commercial used inappropriate innuendo to suggest that one of the actresses was engaging in a public sexual act. Millions of viewers, including innocent children, were exposed to the morally offensive content.
Families watching the game had no warning. They were subjected to this unnecessary and degrading display, proving once again that advertisers are willing to push the boundaries of decency, even at the expense of America's children.
This is unacceptable. We cannot remain silent while moral corruption is broadcast into our homes.
Please sign this petition to demand that:
- The Federal Communications Commission take action against inappropriate Super Bowl advertising.
- FOX Corporation and the NFL commit to keeping future broadcasts free from offensive content.
- Hellmann’s listen to faithful Americans who will not support brands that promote impurity.
Our Blessed Mother calls us to uphold purity in our hearts and our society. By signing this petition, you take a stand for decency, family values, and the protection of our children.
Sign now and share this message with others who care about keeping our culture clean.
May Our Lady reward you for your courage and commitment to purity.
In Jesus and Mary,
Robert Ritchie
America Needs Fatima
P.S. And remember, after signing your petition, please help to SPREAD this petition by sharing it with your Social Media friends and forwarding this email to as many as you can.
* According to St. Louis de Montfort in his book True Devotion to Mary, the 10 Principal Virtues of Our Lady are: profound humility, lively Faith, blind obedience, continual prayer, universal mortification, Divine purity, ardent charity, heroic patience, angelic sweetness, and Divine wisdom.