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April 07, 2024

Sign PROTEST in Reparation!

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According to press reports, a movie director trying to draw public attention to the entry of her pro-abortion documentary into an international film festival contest also directed the design of an impure, sacrilegious and blasphemous promotional poster for it.

“Speaking to Variety ahead of the premiere, Psykou [the poster’s designer and movie’s director] admitted … ‘When we made this poster, we knew it would provoke …’”

Also from Variety, even politicians have “decried the ‘provocative, blasphemous and unsightly’ poster and said that it …

  • ‘Openly offends morals, blaspheming the holy symbol of the cross and the holy faces of the crucified Christ and the Virgin Mary’”

The Catholic Herald offered a more delicate description of the horror and reports …

The film’s poster features a bare-breasted pregnant woman nailed to a cross in what appears [to be] a hybrid image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus melded into one person, and which has been deemed ‘blasphemous’ …”’

The Catholic Herald didn’t see this as anyone other than Our Lady Crucified, and somewhat ‘confesses’ it themselves, saying …

“The poster has provoked a heated response from conservative critics not only for its depiction of a half-naked pregnant woman on the cross but for its specific evocation of the Virgin Mary – a comparison that Psykou said she preferred to leave to the eye of the beholder."

Psykou [the poster’s designer] seems to have wanted viewers to understand that Our Lady is being evoked.

She VERY PROMINENTLY and purposely displayed the pregnant, naked and crucified woman with Our Lady’s universally familiar Crown of Stars which millions of paintings and depictions have used to single out Holy Mary from other women shown with Her for over two thousand years.

“And he said: He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” [Mark 4:9]

Sign PROTEST in Reparation!

God love you and Mary be with you always!


Robert E. Ritchie
Director, America Needs Fatima