STOP! – Mary Queered by LGBTQ+ “Catholics”

With All My Heart I Passionately PROTEST
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“Mary, mother of God, help me find queer joy”.
The above is the blasphemous title to a ‘Catholic’ queer article – which must be opposed.
Sojourners, an “ecumenical Christian media and advocacy organization” based out of Washington, D.C., has published a sordid and base article implying our most pure Virgin Mother to be an inspiration and advocate for queer people. [All emphasis is mine. ~~ Robert]
Here are a few excerpts and quotes from the article:
- “… I started to see her [Holy Mary] as a gender-bending, queer prophetess” ... who supposedly opposed the conventions of gender in her [Holy Mary’s] lifetime.
- Quoting a “queer clergywoman”: “I think of the powerful potential of a Queer Mary that emboldens, empowers and enlivens the queer community to be proud of who we are…”
- “Therefore, Mary can be understood as a queer liberator, defying heteronormative and traditional gender and sexual roles. Digging into queer liberation theology has shown me how Mary shares my drive and will for the Christian faith. …she is bathed in brilliant rainbow light, opening her arms for an embrace.”
Tell Sojourners: Our Lady is no “gender-bending queer prophetess”
Tell Sojourners: Holy Mary is no “Queer Mary”
Tell Sojourners: The Mother of God is no “queer liberator”
With All My Heart I Passionately PROTEST
God love you and Mary be with you always!

Robert E. Ritchie
Director, America Needs Fatima