Will you sign the Pledge to Pray for America?

In light of the growing moral challenges facing our society, we invite you to stand with Our Lady of Fatima.

Her messages—a reminder of our spiritual warfare and the urgent need for moral renewal—are more relevant than ever.

That’s why we are looking for committed people who are willing to heed Our Lady's Fatima messages that stress the need for fervent prayer in these turbulent times.

Will you sign the pledge by adding your name below now?

National Pledge to Pray for America

  • I pledge to pray and ask God to save America through the Rosary of His Most Holy Mother and lead us to national repentance and unity among individuals and communities.
  • I pledge to pray that through the divine protection, power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the people of our United States would show due respect for virtue and religion and restraint against vice and immorality.
  • I pledge to pray for the enlightening of the minds and souls across our nation that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin to acknowledge their collective sins and shortcomings while seeking divine mercy and forgiveness.

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