Sign the pledge to pray three Hail Marys for the future of America

Our traditional Catholic values are being challenged every single day. This is evident anytime you turn on the news, read the latest headlines or scroll through social media. The culture in America is under attack, and it is in desperate need of prayer, intercession and a deeper relationship with Our Lady.

That’s why America Needs Fatima is asking you to join with thousands of Catholics to pray for the United States by reciting three Hail Marys every morning or evening.

Will you show your commitment to joining us in this special devotion by signing our Three Hail Marys Pledge today?

This devotion was revealed by our Blessed Mother to the Benedictine mystic Saint Mechtilde in 1270. And when you pray it daily, you will not only be interceding for our nation, but you will receive spiritual benefits like:

  • Saint Gertrude the Great said “To any soul who faithfully prays the Three Hail Marys, I will appear at the hour of death in a splendor of beauty so extraordinary that it will fill the soul with heavenly consolation.”

  • The promise of Saint Alphonsus Liguori who said, “A devout servant of Mary shall never perish.”

  • The promise of a good death that was revealed to Saint Mechtilde by Mary in the 13th century.

All you have to do is pray three Hail Marys every morning or evening in honor of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Then, you simply say this invocation at the end of each Hail Mary:

“O my Mother, preserve me this day (or night) from mortal sin.”

Take the pledge today and join with your fellow Catholics as we seek to win the heart and soul of America for Mary.

I pledge to pray three Hail Marys for:

  • An increase in the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  • The conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls, especially those of my family and friends.

  • The conversion of our country—that America may come to fully respect and honor the Ten Commandments of the Divine Law.

You can sign the pledge by entering your name using the secure form below.

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