FREE Our Lady of Sorrows Prayer Card
These prayers are a beautiful devotion passed on to us by Saint Bridget.
They will help you receive 7 magnificent graces the Blessed Virgin Mary grants to souls who say 7 Hail Marys and meditate on Her sorrows. One is:
“I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.”
Also, Our Lady promised:
“…those who propagate this devotion to my tears and sorrows will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy.”
Order your Free novena card now and console the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary by meditating on Her tears and sorrows.
This Free offer is for US Residents only and is limited to 1 per person.
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