Ten Forgotten Facts about Fatima
The gravity of the moral crisis pervasive in the world requires continued prayers, penances and sacrifices which prompted the three children especially little Francisco and Jacinta to practice them to an extreme and heroic degree.

View AllNever Withhold a Sin During Confession
St. John Bosco brought the young Charles back from the dead. Charles said he would have gone to hell because he withheld a sin during Confession.
The Holy Spirit and Crisis in the Church
Due to a lack of proper understanding, many Catholics are confused and uncertain as to the unquestionable truth that the Holy Spirit assists the Church.
Our Lady's Prophecies for Our Times
Our Lady appeared centuries ago, predicting the evils of our time, including corruption of the clergy, rampant impurity, and exhorts us to pray and do penance.
Prayers & Devotions
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View AllThe Golden Key of Paradise — Perfect Contrition
In this little book, easy to read and easy to carry, you will read about perfect contrition, how to attain it and what it does for our souls.
A Way of the Cross
A Way of the Cross by Plinio Correa de Oliveira, is a unique take on Our Lord’s Passion with direct application to our every-day lives.
Novena to Saint Joseph Booklet
Grow in your devotion to this most powerful saint. Pray your Novena and, at the same time, learn what was so special about this “silent saint.”
The Secret of the Rosary
For Saint Louis de Montfort, the Rosary was not simply a method of prayer; it was his most effective tool and weapon in his apostolic work. Find out more in this wonderful book!
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The Meaning of "Catholic" Does Not Change with the Times
The conduct of the country’s new President and that of bishops such as the newly appointed Wilton Cardinal Gregory begs the question: What does it mean to be a Catholic?

Honor Thy Father & Thy Mother
At first glance, the Fourth Commandment might seem childish, something that simply means to obey one’s parents until becoming an adult. This is far from the truth.

Sins Against the Holy Spirit
What is a sin against the Holy Spirit? “The sin against the Holy Spirit is not a sin of frailty,…[but] of diabolical malice, and, therefore, it is deserving of more severe punishment.”