Novena to Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Feast: August 14
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
O Lord Jesus Christ, who said, “greater love than this no man has that a man lay down his life for his friends,” through the intercession of St. Maximilian Kolbe whose life illustrated such love, we beseech you to grant us our petitions....
(mention your intentions)
Through the Militia Immaculata movement, which Maximilian founded, he spread a fervent devotion to Our Lady throughout the world. He gave up his life for a total stranger and loved his persecutors, giving us an example of unselfish love for all men—a love that was inspired by true devotion to Mary.
Grant, O Lord Jesus, that we too may give ourselves entirely without reserve to the love and service of our Heavenly Queen in order to better love and serve our fellowman in imitation of your humble servant, Maximilian.
3 x Hail Mary….
1 x Glory Be….
First Day

Dear St Maximilian, when still a child you entrusted your future to the Mother of God and accepted the crowns of purity and martyrdom.
Help us to learn to be generous with our lives in the service of God. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Second Day
Dear St Maximilian, you had a great love of the military and thought of joining the army but instead began the Militia Immaculata to work for the conversion of sinners.
We remember all those who serve in the armed forces and their families. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Third Day

Dear St Maximilian, you began a small religious newspaper which led to an upsurge of faith amongst your countrymen.
May we too realise that nothing we do is too small for God to use. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Fourth Day
Dear St Maximilian, you had such a zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel that you went to Japan with no money and no word of the language and what you built is now the centre of the Franciscan province there.
May we share in your zeal to announce the Good News through our words and our lives. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Fifth Day

Dear St Maximilian, when the Nazis had invaded your country and you were under suspicion you said, “No one in the world can change truth”.
May we hold firm to the one who is the Truth, Jesus Christ. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Sixth Day
Dear St Maximilian, in prison you were asked whether you believed in Christ and were beaten every time you said you did. You persevered in your witness.
May we still hold fast to Christ even in suffering or pain, and if we are persecuted for that belief may we have the courage not to desert him. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Seventh Day

Dear St Maximilian, even when you were sent to Auschwitz you did not abandon your vocation as priest. Although you were beaten almost to death you still heard confessions and spoke of Christ’s love.
We ask you to give us something of your conviction and courage in the face of the sufferings of our lives. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Eighth Day
Dear St Maximilian, when a fellow prisoner was sentenced to death by starvation you volunteered to take his place: to die so that he had a chance of life.
May we always remember the words of our Lord, “he who loses his life for my sake shall find it” and give us the courage to lose our lives in whatever way is asked of us. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....
Ninth Day

Dear St Maximilian, because you were killed by an injection of carbolic acid, you are the patron of drug users.
We pray for all those who suffer this terrible addiction and for their families. May they have the courage and help they need to turn their lives around. We pray especially for.... (mention your request)
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory be....