Fr. James Martin Blasphemes the Holy Rosary
Dec 13, 2018 / Written by: Luiz Sérgio Solimeo
The rosary is a set of prayers addressed to Our Lady in order to, through her intercession, receive graces to be good and defend the Faith and Christian civilization.
A Devotion Highly Recommended by Saints & Popes
The rosary is one of the devotions most recommended by saints and popes. Thus, Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903), in his Encyclical Supremi Apostolatus Officio of 1883, extolled this devotion as the great weapon in defense of the Church:
“Now that the anniversary, therefore, of manifold and exceedingly great favors obtained by a Christian people through the devotion of the Rosary is at hand, We desire that that same devotion should be offered by the whole Catholic world with the greatest earnestness to the Blessed Virgin, that by her intercession her Divine Son may be appeased and softened in the evils which afflict us.…
“This devotion, so great and so confident, to the august Queen of Heaven, has never shone forth with such brilliancy as when the militant Church of God has seemed to be endangered by the violence of heresy spread abroad, or by an intolerable moral corruption, or by the attacks of powerful enemies. Ancient and modern history and the more sacred annals of the Church bear witness to public and private supplications addressed to the Mother of God, to the help she has granted in return, and to the peace and tranquility which she had obtained from God.1
The pontiff went on to recall some victories obtained through the rosary: against the Albigensian heresy in southern France; against the Muslim infidels in the naval battle of Lepanto in 1571; and again at Temeswar, in Pannonia, and at Corfu.
Our Lady at Fatima: “Pray the Rosary Every Day”
Nowadays when the Muslim danger is reborn, and in which heresy and “an intolerable moral corruption” assaults the Church, especially with homosexual scandals by members of the clergy and hierarchy, the rosary has become more necessary than ever.
That is why, at Fatima, the Blessed Mother recommended that the three seers “pray the rosary every day.”And she presented herself as the Lady of the Rosary.
A Blasphemous Mockery of the Holy Rosary
Accordingly, to mock the holy rosary by asking God to bless and favor the social acceptance of unnatural public sin—instead of beseeching Him for graces to help practice purity and the other virtues—is blasphemy against this heavenly devotion, and thus against the Blessed Mother, to whom it is addressed.
Fr. James Martin, S.J. is known for his ongoing efforts favoring the homosexual movement. On December 3, he posted this blasphemous parody of the rosary on his Facebook page:
“Dear friends: A few months ago, I received an unusual gift from out of the blue: a Rosary that invited one to pray for a variety of people who suffer--unborn children, victims of gun violence, refugees and migrants, victims of racism, LGBT people, and so on: one group for each "decade." I've seen many Rosaries like this, but this to me was the most beautiful. … (Needless to say, you can also use it as a traditional Rosary, which I do, with the traditional mysteries.) … It was a beautiful gift that I've kept--and used. And a few weeks ago, at the Ignatian Family Teach-In, in Washington, DC, I met the wonderful people who were behind this gift, "Contemplative Rebellion," and was able to thank them. … The Rosary of Modern Sorrows is available here (with a further description of the intentions related to each decade): https://contemplativerebellion.com/…/rosary-of-modern-sorrow” (emphasis added).2
Full Acceptance of LGBTQ Couples
Indeed, here is the prayer corresponding to the fifth “mystery” of this “Rosary” made with rainbow-colored beads:
“We Pray for a welcoming of LGBTQ people by all churches, temples, mosques and synagogues. We Pray for LGBTQ couples, their children, and extended families. We Pray that they may be supported and loved, with full acceptance as people truly created in the image of God, a creation that God saw as “good”, and who deserve to live every aspect of life to the fullest.” (emphasis added).3
Please note how the prayer implies that “LGBTQ couples,” as such, were “truly created in the image of God” and that this was “a creation that God saw as ‘good.’”
However, two people of the same sex that live as a couple are engaged in the practice of the homosexual sin. To say that God created them like this and that their unnatural behavior is “good” and comes from God is nonsense.
To suppose that God could have created a different type of human being that was not obliged to fulfill the precepts of the Ten Commandments and the natural law would be to install contradiction in Him. However, a contradictory God is absurd since He is the Supreme Wisdom.
The bad tendencies afflicting man are consequences of Original Sin. They are not of God’s creation. But the grace of God always gives sufficient strength for man to resist these bad tendencies and, in so doing, to practice the virtues. 4
There is only one human nature, and it has two sexes, male and female, that complement each other: "And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them" Genesis 1:27
Let us heed the request of Our Lady of Fatima by praying the rosary daily. And let us also pray it in reparation for the blasphemy boosted by this unfaithful Jesuit.
- 1 Leo XIII, Encyclical Supremi Apostolatus Officio (On Devotion of the Rosary), Sept. 1, 1883, nos. 1, 3, https://w2.vatican.va/content/... pontiff went on to recall some victories obtained through the rosary: against the Albigensian heresy in southern France; against the Muslim infidels in the naval battle of Lepanto in 1571; and again at Temeswar, in Pannonia, and at Corfu.
- 2 https://www.facebook.com/FrJam... recommending to others to pray a blasphemous “Rosary,” the “Rainbow Jesuit” participates in this blasphemy against the Virgin Mary.
- 3 Contemplative Rebellion, “The Rosary of Modern Sorrows”, https://contemplativerebellion.com/collections/catholic-patron-saint-jewelry/products/rosary-of-modern-sorrow, accessed Dec. 11, 2018, 4:39 pm.
- 4 See Council of Trent, “Decree On Original Sin,” Denzinger-Hunermann, no. 1515.