Sign up to be a Rosary Rally Captain in March (close to the Feast of St. Joseph) to support God’s Marriage between a man and a woman.
Join us and become a Rosary Rally Captain in April!
Let us honor Our Lady of Fatima, sign up to become a Rosary Rally Captain this May!
June belongs to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, not homosexual pride! Sign up, become a Rosary Rally Captain on any weekend in June and show your devotion to His Most Sacred Heart!
Sign up to be a Rosary Rally Captain in July to pray for America. Let us bring down the blessings from God on our beloved country!
The October Public Square Rosary Rallies are the largest network of Rosary Rallies in the world. Sign up and be a part of this historic event in October!
Without law enforcement, our society would overflow with chaos and evil. Sign up today to be a Rosary Rally Captain in November and show your support for our Police.
Sign up to be a Rosary Rally Captain this Advent/December and help keep Christ in Christmas!
I want to help America Needs Fatima spread the Fatima message, please sign me up to receive emails!