Stop the Push to Legalize of Prostitution!

Yes, it’s happening! Newsrooms from coast-to-coast have reported that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco gave the go-ahead to a lawsuit to legalize prostitution.
Will you send your petition? You’ll feel good about it – and please listen: The case was brought by three former prostitutes! Imagine!
And here’s the scary part:
I fear that the judges have already made up their minds! Check out these press reports. I’ve emphasized the most important piece:
- ...Thursday’s three-judge panel indicated times have changed and it’s time to review the law again.”
- The “three-judge panel…suggested that the law might need closer scrutiny, given today’s less restrictive standards…”
Is that bad news for all of America? Absolutely!
The danger is that the 9th Circuit is a federal court, and all too often legal decisions in Federal Courts...
...become the law of the land!