They Call Our Lady a Lesbian

The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told will soon show at Out Front Theatre Company in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and this blasphemous play is a vile insult to the Mother of God! – because she is insulted as a lesbian!

We last protested this blasphemous play in May, 2014. Now it’s back again.

Send your e-protest message to Out Front Theatre Company.

Press reports say The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told portrays Our Lady as a lesbian. It presents a homosexual version of the Old Testament, with scenes of “Adam and Steve” in full frontal nudity in the original script. According to The New York Times, the playwright himself is a homosexual, and this is how he describes his play:

“I wanted the Garden of Eden in Central Park, and Mary as a lesbian mother, which would certainly help me comprehend immaculate conception.”

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