FREE Five First Saturdays Devotion Card
The devotion of the Five First Saturdays, comes to us straight from heaven!
In 1917 The Blessed Mother appeared six times to three little shepherds, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta at Fatima, Portugal. She asked for conversion of life and the recitation of the Rosary so the world could have peace.
In 1925 she appeared again to Lucia, then a nun. Our Lady promised that she would assist at the hour of death, with all graces needed for salvation, all those who on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, say a Rosary, and meditate for fifteen minutes on the fifteen mysteries to console her Immaculate heart for blasphemies and offenses.
Our pamphlet, The Five First Saturdays, The Forgotten Part of the Fatima Message, explains in detail how to fulfil this magnificent promise from heaven.
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