FREE The Immaculate Heart of Mary & God's plan for America
100 years after Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, the world has seen a century of upheavals, wars, tragedies and natural catastrophes. Our Lady’s admonitions and prophecies are being fulfilled.
But in spite of this, her core message at Fatima is still widely unknown and largely ignored by the majority of mankind. What is this core message and what is its significance, especially today? What is the solution that she gave the world to solve its many problems?
A new book by American TFP member, researcher and author Sergio Luiz Solimeo, answers these questions and more. Coinciding with the centenary year of the Fatima apparitions, this timely and beautifully-illustrated book reveals the true meaning of Our Lady’s core message and its relevance today.
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“This book will restore the Church and win souls for the Kingdom!” — Mr. Joseph Andrews-Hilo, Hawaii
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