Keep America Satan-Free! helping us fight Satanism!

Please consider joining me to Keep America Free from the yoke of Satan and his cohorts.

The threat of Satanism is today a reality. It is influencing American culture and growing with each passing year.

It is time for us to combine forces – both PRAYER and ACTION – to drive Satan from our country once and for all.

Help us, so we can continue this vital work to keep America Satan-Free!

  • $7.00 - In honor of St Raphael who guided the chosen people
  • $12.00 - In honor of St Gabriel the Divine messenger
  • $25.00 - In honor of St Michael the Archangel the sword of God
  • $40.00 - In honor of SHE who crushes the head of the serpent

Yes, I want to help fight Satanism!

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