Tell Marriott Hotel to NOT Host Satanic Temple “Weekend of Blasphemy” in Boston

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The Satanic Temple is planning a high-profile “weekend of blasphemy” at the Boston Marriott Copley Place this month in Boston from April 28 – 30, 2023.
You and I cannot remain silent as Our Lord is attacked.
Satan is evil and evil has NO rights!
I beg you to sign this Petition to...
STOP the Boston Marriot from hosting SatanCon 2023.
What is SatanCon? The event includes discussion panels, entertainment, satanic rituals, a satanic wedding chapel, and a "satanic marketplace." The Satanic Temple is touting it as the "largest satanic gathering in history."
You and I must not be silent.
Therefore, I ask that you sign this protest to STOP SatanCon in Boston. Help us reach at least 50,000 petitions to stop this blasphemy and express our love for God.
But – do protests help? YES. Because of peaceful and prayerful protest, a satanic Black Mass at Harvard University was stopped in 2012. That’s right: God and Our Lady won.
And God can win again this time in Boston.
So please protest now to STOP the Boston Marriot from hosting SatanCon 2023!
Protest Now!
Sign Now.