Immaculate Conception Shrine Desecrated!

I know your love of Mary, under her uniquely privileged title of the Immaculate Conception, will cause you to be highly offended by what I’m about to tell you.

According to press reports, “an anti-Catholic outfit”, “The pro-abortion group ‘Catholics for Choice’ projected pro-abortion slogans onto the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception last night [Jan. 20], while pro-lifers inside [about 5,000] were attending Mass and holding the National Prayer Vigil for Life.”

CLICK TO SEE a representative image

Let this “anti-Catholic outfit” know YOU STRONGLY OBJECT and that you will pray for them.

There were FOUR DIABOLICAL DESECRATIONS… blasphemous messages…
“PROJECTED ONTO THE TOWER and above the main door” facilitating the maximum sacrilegious effect. [my emphasis ~ Robert]

  1. “Pro-choice Catholics you are not alone”
  2. “1 in 4 abortion patients is a Catholic”
  3. “Pro-choice Catholics”
  4. “Stop stigmatizing – Start listening”

Judging by this sad group’s “Director of Comms & Strategy” Twitter comments, she seems to be a woman who professes to be a Catholic, yet seems unapologetically angry against Church hierarchy and knowingly defiant of Catholic doctrine concerning Our Lady and abortion.

Their dark messages, sinisterly projected under the cover of darkness, defaced the holy shrine of Mary and assaulted her immaculate purity.