SIGN NOW to Hold Vanity Fair Accountable for this Outrageous Blasphemy Against Jesus and Mary!

Vanity Fair magazine and the pop star Madonna have insulted Our Lady of Sorrows.
This most recent attack on our Catholic Faith is featured on the cover of a newly-released edition of Vanity Fair magazine. This blasphemy is portrayed by Madonna, a pop singer infamous for her vile songs, pornographic photo shoots, and disgraceful mockeries of the Faith.
In the cover photo, the debauched celebrity is dressed in the traditional clothing associated with Our Lady of Sorrows. She is featured wearing a traditional veil, a traditional Spanish headpiece, and a heart pierced by seven swords.
The photographers even went so far as to portray Madonna with tears, mocking the tears Our Lady wept at the foot of the cross!
As you, I am appalled that Vanity Fair magazine featured blasphemies against Our Blessed Mother. I hope that you will join me in telling the editors that is WRONG and DISRESPECTFUL and will not be TOLERATED
Together with the America Need’s Fatima family, you and I must oppose this blasphemy!
Please join me in our Christian duty, under the theological virtue of Faith, to defend Catholic Truth when attacked, and sign against this outrageous offense!
JOIN THE PETITION and HOLD Vanity Fair Accountable for This Outrageous Blasphemy and DEFEND Our Lady of Sorrows!
Thank you. And may Our Lady reward you!
Sincerely, Robert Ritchie
P.S. – “One must not only avoid sin. One must do good and fight evil.” Plinio Correa de Oliveira