Saint Palladius
Jul 06, 2015 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
Feast July 7
Though not much is known about St. Palladius, we first hear his name mentioned by St. Prosper of Aquitaine in his Chronicles as a deacon who insisted with Rome for help against the Pelagian heresy then rampant in Britain.

In response, the Holy See sent St. Germanus of Auxerre to combat the heresy.
Around 430, Pope Celestine I consecrated Palladius a bishop, and sent him into Ireland as its first bishop, preceding St. Patrick.
Though not too successful with the Irish, he built three churches in Leinster.
Leaving Ireland, Palladius sailed for Scotland where he preached among the Picts.
He died at Fordum, near Aberdeen a short while after arriving.