America Needs Fatima
America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima.
Posts by America Needs Fatima
- March 2025: Rosary Rally Report
- Protests Planned for Blasphemous “Black Mass” in Kansas State Capitol Building
- February 2025: Rosary Rally Report
- 2025 Roses to Our Lady of Guadalupe
- January 2025: Rosary Rally Report
- December 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- Novena Miracle Story
- November 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- October 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- July 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- June 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- May 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- May 2024: Fatima Report
- April 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- March 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- February 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- January 2024: Rosary Rally Report
- 2024 March for Life
- December 2023: Rosary Rally Report
- November 2023: Rosary Rally Report
- October 2023: Rosary Rally Report
- Satanic Rock Band ‘Ghost’ Faces Protests
- No Greater Love: Our Lady of Mercy and Her Mercedarians
- The Miracle of Our Lady of Almudena
- Powerful Public Stand in June
- June 2023: Saint Anthony Intentions Delivered
- Billboards Proclaim June Belongs to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
- May 2023 Rosary Rallies
- March 2023 Intentions & Lilies for Saint Joseph
- 2023 March for Life
- You Dried the Tears of Our Lady
- ANF Mailbox - What are people saying?
- Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio
- New Year's Resolutions 2.0*
- Fighting under the Banner of the Virgin
- Saint Benedict of Aniane
- U.S. Marine Saved by Saint Michael
- Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem
- Quotes from Saints about the Holy Souls in Purgatory
- October 2020: Rosary Rally Report
- Intentions Delivered to Lourdes
- Saint Basil the Great & Saint Gregory Nazianzen
- Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
- Saint Frances of Rome
- Saint John the Evangelist
- Saint Anthony Maria Claret
- Saint Maria Goretti
- Saint Delphinus of Bordeaux
- Pope Saint Sylvester I
- Saint Lutgardis
- Saint Francis Caracciolo
- Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions
- Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter
- Saint Anthony Gianelli
- Saint Boniface of Mainz
- Saint Germanus of Paris
- Saint Christopher Magallanes and Companions
- Saint William of Toulouse and Companions
- Saint Magdalena of Canossa
- Saint Hilary of Arles
- Saint Philip and Saint James
- Saint George
- Saint Mark the Evangelist
- Saint Pachomius
- Saint Francis di Girolamo
- Saint John the Silent
- Saint Damien de Veuster of Moloka'i
- Saint John Mary Vianney
- Saint Adrian of Canterbury
- Saint Abraham Kidunaia
- Blessed Raymond of Capua
- Blessed Amadeus of Portugal
- Saint Peter and Saint Paul
- Saint John Chrysostom
- Saint Robert Bellarmine
- Saint Joseph of Cupertino
- Saint Adelaide of Italy
- Saint Mary di Rosa
- Saint Lucy
- Saint John of the Cross
- Saint Athanasius of Alexandria
- Saint Benedict of Nursia
- Saint Scholastica
- Saint Vincent de Paul
- Saint Michael Febres Cordero
- Rosary for America
- Saint Margaret of Cortona
- Saint Alferius of La Cava
- Protectress of the Unborn–Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Saint Keyne
- Saint Josaphat Kunsevich
- Saint Joan of Arc
- The Most Holy Name of Jesus
- Our Lady’s Flowers
- Saint Michael the Archangel
- Saint Gabriel the Archangel
- Saint Agnes of Montepulciano
- A Unique Way to Honor Saint Joseph
- Palm Sunday
- Ember Days
- Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Teaching Your Child Social Responsibility
- Rosary Saves 9/11 Survivor
- Viva Christo Rey
- The True Story of Exorcism Performed by Saint Michael
- 2019 March for Life Video Report
- The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
- Rallies for Traditional Marriage: June 2018
- 21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger
- 2018 March for Life
- America Prays the Rosary
- Saint Rose of Lima
- Rosary Rally Report: May 2017
- The Immaculate Heart of Mary: Core of the Fatima Message
- The Mother’s Sublime Vocation as Heart of the Family
- Family Tip: Saintly Role Models
- Family Tip: Thoughts for Lent
- Family Tip: Restoring Respect in the Family
- 10 Years of the Public Square Rosary Crusade
- Opposing the Satan Club in Tacoma
- St. Francis & the First Nativity Scene
- Family Tip: The Transforming Art of Catholic Storytelling
- Portland says NO to After-School Satan Club
- 10th Anniversary of the Public Square Rosary Rally Crusade
- How to do a Rosary Rally
- Why Transgenderism is the Family's Worst Enemy
- Family Tip: 10 "Nevers" of a Good Parent
- Heroine of the Titanic
- Mothers of Vocations
- Parents of Saints
- Parenting In Harmony
- Family Tip: Secrets to Joyful Parenting
- Saint Philomena
- Family Tip: Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Family Tip: Praying the Family Rosary
- Family Tip: The Power of a Good Book
- 1st Friday & 1st Saturday Devotions
- Saint Auguste Chapdelaine
- Saint Claude La Colombière
- Saint Valentine
- Training Children in Generosity
- Family Tip: Ways to Live a Good Life
- Children & Christmas
- Saint Raphael the Archangel
- Remembering Our Lady of Sorrows
- Saint Geneviève of Paris
- Where Saint Michael Appeared
- The Siege of Czestochowa
- Saint Nicholas of Bari
- Saint Ambrose of Milan
- Pope Saint Damasus I
- Saint Sturmi
- Saint Flannan
- Pope Saint Anastasius I
- Saint Dominic de Silos
- Saint Peter Canisius
- Saint Radbod of Utrecht
- Saint Andrew the Apostle
- Saint Edmund Campion & Companions
- Saints Chaeremon, Ischyrion and Other Martyrs
- Saint Chromatius of Aquileia
- Saint John of Kanti
- Saint Francis Xavier
- Saints Irmina and Adela
- Saint Stephen Martyr
- Feast of the Holy Innocents
- Saint Egwin of Worcester
- Saint John Damascene
- Saint Sabas
- Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
- Saint Dominic de Guzman
- Saint Catherine Labouré
- Saint Edmund the Martyr
- Saint Cecilia
- Saint Columban
- Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
- Saint Andrew Dung-Lac & the Martyrs of Vietnam
- Saint Sylvester Guzzolini
- Saint Francis Anthony Fasani
- Feast of the Immaculate Conception
- The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple
- Saint Martin de Porres
- Saint Bertilla
- Saint Illtud
- Saint Willibrord
- Saint Godfrey of Amiens
- Solemnity of All Saints
- Solemnity of All Souls
- Dedication of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran
- Pope Saint Leo the Great
- Saint Laurence O'Toole
- Saint Margaret of Scotland
- Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
- Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
- Saint Nerses I of Armenia
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- Saint Wilfrid of York
- Saint Edward the Confessor
- Pope Saint Callistus I
- Saint Ignatius of Antioch
- Saint Luke the Evangelist
- Saint Paul of the Cross
- Saints Jean de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues & Companions
- Saint Hilarion
- Saint Philip of Heraclea & Companions
- Saint John of Capistrano
- Saint Gaudentius of Brescia
- Saint Cedd of the East Saxons
- Saint Frumentius of Ethiopia
- Saints Simon & Jude
- Saint Narcissus of Jerusalem
- Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez
- Saint Wolfgang of Ratisbon
- Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
- Saints Cosmas and Damian
- Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary
- Saint Jerome
- Saint Thomas of Cantelupe
- Saint Francis of Assisi
- Saint Denis of Paris
- Saint Francis Borgia
- Saint Mary Soledad
- Saint Paphnutius
- Saint Januarius of Benevento
- Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang & Companions
- Saint Matthew the Evangelist
- Saint Thomas of Villanova
- Saint Gerard of Csanad
- Saint Albert of Jerusalem
- Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major
- Saint Drithelm
- Saint William of Roskilde
- Pope Saint Gregory the Great
- Saint Rose of Viterbo
- Saint Laurence Giustiniani
- Saint Bega
- Saint Clodoald of Nogent
- Saint Peter Claver
- Saint Nicholas of Tolentino
- Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
- Saint Mary Magdalene
- Saint Sharbel Makhlouf
- Saint James the Greater
- Saint Theobald of Marly
- Saint Samson of Dol
- Saint Martha
- Saint Peter Chrysologus
- Saint Eusebius of Vercelli
- Saint Waltheof of Melrose
- Saint Cajetan
- Saint Lawrence Martyr
- Saint Clare of Assisi
- Saint Stephen of Hungary
- Saint Beatriz da Silva
- Saint Helena of Constantinople
- Saint John Eudes
- Pope Saint Pius X
- Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
- Saint Louis IX of France
- Saint Elizabeth Bichier des Ages
- The Passion of Saint John the Baptist
- Saint Margaret Ward
- Saint Anthelm of Belley
- Saint Cyril of Alexandria
- Saint Camillus de Lellis
- Saint Irenaeus of Lyon
- Saint Vulmar
- Saint Otto of Bamberg
- Saint Thomas the Apostle
- Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
- Saint Palladius
- Saint Withburga
- Saint Augustine Zhao Rong
- Saints Antony and Theodosius
- Saint John Gualbert
- Saint Clelia Barbieri
- Saint Bonaventure
- Saint Clement of Okhrida
- Saint Macrina the Younger
- Saint Methodius of Constantinople
- Saint Germaine of Pibrac
- Saint Albert Chmielowski
- Saint Gregory Barbarigo
- Saint Romuald
- Pope Saint Silverius
- Saint Thomas Garnet
- Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
- Saint Íñigo of Oña
- Saint William of York
- Saint William of Vercelli
- Saint Ephrem the Syrian
- Saint Ithamar of Rochester
- Saint Barnabas
- Saint Paula Frassinetti
- Saint Joseph the Worker
- Saint Gothard of Hildesheim
- Saint Petronax of Monte Cassino
- Saint John of Beverley
- Saints Nereus, Achilleus and Pancras
- Saint Matthias the Apostle
- Saint Isidore the Farmer
- Saint Brendan of Clonfert
- Saint Paschal Baylon
- Pope Saint John I
- Saint Eric IX of Sweden
- Saint Dunstan of Canterbury
- Saint Bernardine of Siena
- Saint Vincent of Lérins
- Pope Saint Gregory VII
- Saint Augustine of Canterbury
- Saint Hunna
- Saint Stephen Harding
- Saint Galdinus of Milan
- Saint Alphege of Canterbury
- Saint Anselm of Canterbury
- Saint Theodore of Sykeon
- Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen
- Pope Saint Pius V
- Saint Hugh of Grenoble
- Saint Francis of Paola
- Saint Richard of Chichester
- Saint Isidore of Seville
- Saint Vincent Ferrer
- Saint William of Eskilsoë
- Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle
- Saint Julie Billiart
- Saint Waudru or Waldetrudis
- Saint Fulbert of Chartres
- Saint Hermenegild
- Pope Saint Martin I
- Saint Bénézet of Avignon
- Saint Paul Miki & Companions
- Saint Luke the Younger
- Saint Jerome Emiliani
- Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple
- Saint Meletius of Antioch
- Saint Catherine dei Ricci
- Saints Cyril and Methodius
- Saint Agatha
- Saint Sigfrid of Växjö
- Saint Gilbert of Sempringham
- Saint Polycarp
- Saint John Joseph of the Cross
- Saint Colette Broyet
- Seven Holy Founders of the Servites
- Saint Praetextatus
- Saint Tarasius of Constantinople
- Saint Theotonius
- Saints Perpetua and Felicita
- Saint Alexander of Alexandria
- Saint Boniface of Lausanne
- Saint Anne Line
- Saint John of God
- Saint Wulfric of Haselbury
- Saint Romanus of Condat
- Saint David of Mynyw
- Saint John Ogilvie
- Saint Chad of Lichfield
- Saint Aengus Abbot
- Saint Katharine Drexel
- Saint Casimir of Poland
- Saint Theophanes the Chronicler
- Saint Euphrasia
- Saint Leobinus of Chartres
- Saint Louise de Marillac
- Saint Patrick of Ireland
- Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
- Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne
- Saint Enda of Aran
- Saint Nicholas Owen
- Saint Toribio of Mogrovejo
- Saint Irenaeus of Sirmium
- Saint Lucy Filippini
- Saint Braulio of Zaragoza
- Saint John of Egypt
- Saint Tutilo
- Saint Rupert of Salzburg
- Saint Leonard Murialdo
- Saint Guy of Pomposa
- Solemnity of Mary Mother of God
- Never Withhold a Sin During Confession
- Saint André Bessette
- Saint Thorfinn of Hamar
- Saint Raymond of Peñafort
- Saint John Neumann and The Immaculate Conception
- Saint Augustine of Hippo
- Eucharistic Miracle in Hasselt Belgium
- Saint Wenceslaus
- Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
- Saint Norbert of Magdeburg
- Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe
- Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
- Saint Charles Borromeo
- Saint Bruno
- Saint Bridget of Sweden
- Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
- Saint Catherine of Alexandria
- Saint Catherine of Siena
- Saint Peter Damian
- Saint Philip Neri
- Saint Thomas Becket
- Saint Joachim and Saint Anne
- Saint Anthony of Padua
- Saint Rita of Cascia
- Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
- The Holy Guardian Angels
- Saints Thomas More and John Fisher
- Saint John Baptist de Rossi
- Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
- Saint Albert the Great
- Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
- Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
- Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
- Saint Junipero Serra: Priest, Missionary and Founder
- Our Lady of the Rosary
- 2015 March for Marriage
- Saint Gemma Galgani
- Saint Romaric
- Rosary Rally Invitation
- A Letter From Beyond
- The Sheer Power of Mary's Name
- A Staircase That Elevates The Soul
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- Saint John de Britto
- Saint Blaise
- Saint Henry Morse
- Saint John Bosco
- Saint Hyacintha Mariscotti
- Saint Gildas the Wise
- Saint Angela Merici
- Saints Timothy and Titus
- Conversion of Saint Paul
- 2015 March For Life - Baton Rouge, LA
- Saint Francis de Sales
- Saint Vincent of Zaragoza
- 2015 March For Life - Photos
- Saint Vincent Pallotti
- Saint Agnes
- Saints Fabian and Sebastian
- Saint Wulfstan of Worcester
- Saint Margaret of Hungary
- Saint Prisca
- Saint Anthony of Egypt
- Saint Honoratus of Arles
- Saint Ita of Killeedy
- Education in the Supernatural
- Saint Sava of the Serbs
- Saint Hilary of Poitiers
- Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys
- Saint Theodosius the Cenobiarch
- Saint Peter Orseolo
- The World's Most Beloved Christmas Carol
- Training the Adolescent
- Rosary Rally Report: 2014
- Parents–Balance is in the Middle!
- Protests Work!
- 100 Percent CATHOLIC
- Fatima Miracle: Shielded from Death
- Testimonials of Rosary Rally Caller Volunteers
- Lent: Historically and Practically
- 2014 March for Life
- Considerations About Mothers
- The Mother: Love, Affection, Goodness and Mercy
- Victory Through the Rosary
- Seeking the True Joy of Christmas
- The Snuff Box
- Why Public Square Rosary Rallies?
- In your time of need, turn to the Rosary for Help!
- I Could Do That!
- Rosary Rally Report: 2013
- 10 Steps for a Successful Rally
- Feast of the Holy Rosary
- Tribute to a Catholic Hero
- October: Month of the Rosary
- It’s Time for Grace at Meals
- Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
- Jacinta's Visions and Prophecies
- The Three Fatima Seers
- Decree on the power of the Holy Rosary
- Saint Teresa of Avila
- Pulling nasty spiritual weeds from the Soul
- Saint Monica
- Being Modern: Apostasy or Sacred Obligation?
- July: Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus
- How Romanticism ruins marriages
- The Origin of the Rosary
- Our Lady's Prophecies for Our Times
- The Three Days of Darkness and Prophecies of Latter Times
- Confession: The Sacrament of Divine Mercy
- Charity Does Not Justify Compromise
- Theophilus: The Prelate Who Sold His Soul to the Devil
- Our Lady Help of Christians
- Christmas Campaign Central
- Saint Joseph, Martyr of Grandeur
- 10 Forgotten Facts about Fatima
- The Reason Catholic Children lose their Faith
- A Fire in My Chest: Saint Jacinta Marto
- Where bad morals & ugly art meet
- Saint Peter Armengol
- Why Saint Joseph is the terror of demons
- The Angelic Virtue: Saint Gemma Galgani
- The Universal Mediatrix
- Ten Reasons to Reject Socialism
- Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayer?
- The Sanctuary Lamp
- Quotes about the Rosary
- The Allure of Lourdes
- Miracles Linked to the Rosary
- Are protests against Blasphemy Effective?
- Saint Teresa's Secret Informer
- Why Devotion to the Immaculate Heart Is so Crucial for Our Days
- The Worldwide Fatima Rosary
- The Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima
- Day-by-Day: The Life of a Fatima Custodian
- The Story of Our Lady of Good Success
- Our Lady of Confidence
- The Devil in the Convent
- The Great Benefits of Suffering
- 12 Hard-Hitting Facts about Socialist Ideology
- The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
- The Origins of Devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- The Queen's "Chauffeur"
- When Saints formed children
- Avoiding Distractions During the Rosary
- Our Lady of Good Counsel
- Hollywood Star Joins the Convent
- Saint Bernadette Soubirous
- The Annunciation and Saint Gabriel
- The Little Girl Who Inspired Archbishop Fulton Sheen's Vow
- 10 tips for better New Year Resolutions
- 9,077 Rosary Rallies in America
- Public Faith in the City
- Apparitions of the Angel of Portugal
- Unselfish Love for Children
- What one Mother did to stop evil