Rallies for Traditional Marriage: June 2018
Jun 24, 2018 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
1889 Rallies in Support of Traditional Marriage
Thousands of concerned Americans gathered nationwide on June 23rd, holding 1,889 rosary rallies in support of America’s most cherished institution.
Every rally captain had set up a large banner reading: “God’s Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman.” At many of these rallies, several hand-held signs encouraged people to honk for traditional marriage generating a cacophony of honks in support of Traditional Marriage.

Some people were so overjoyed to see us standing up for traditional marriage that they honked long and loud. Truckers would let loose with their loud horns. Shouts of support and thumbs up were very common.
Some were more cautious. These ventured to register only a short toot. Others honked on the run so as not to appear too committed to the cause. When one honked, it seemed to give courage to the hesitant who would then contribute to the grand disharmony.

Crude Opposition
As often happens, there were a few who opposed the rally. These would usually consist of people who would scream out something unintelligible or make obscene gestures as they sped away.
A few took advantage of the traffic light to stop, open the window and scream about “hatred,” somehow unaware of the hatred they themselves displayed.

No amount of negative feedback could dampen the spirits of those who sacrificed their Saturday to come out into the streets in support of traditional marriage. This sacrificial act was more than compensated by the outpouring of support of so many Americans who were relieved at seeing ordinary people just like themselves defending moral values.
As long as there are Catholics in America, there will be support for the equation:
1 man + 1 woman= God’s Marriage