October 2021: Rosary Rally Report
Oct 18, 2021 / Written by: Tonia Long
The Crossing of an Important Milestone: 15 Years of Public Square Rosary Rallies in America!
2021 marks 15 Years of Public Square Rosary Rallies across America
As America and the world at large continue to grapple with the repercussions of an international pandemic and the economic and cultural ripple effects thereof, many are understandably searching for a glimmer of hope, a star by which to chart their course ahead.
On October 16, 2021, at 12:00 noon in public squares across the country, many Americans did not have to look far. They caught a radiant glimpse of this hope in the faces of those participating in one of America Needs Fatima’s Public Square Rosary Rallies.

Click here to become a Rosary Rally Captain!
Whether the “rally” was attended by five people or two hundred, it became a channel of grace for those passersby whose hearts were open to Our Lady.

At each and every rally, hymns were sung in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary and prayers were recited for the conversion of sinners and the unity and exaltation of Holy Mother, the Church. Some of the other intentions prayed for were:
- To show God and His Blessed Mother our love and veneration, we offer this rosary rally as a special public commemoration of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima.
- Through the most Holy Rosary, we ask Our Lord and Our Lady for the conversion of America so that it may fulfill its historic mission.
- To stop the waves of sacrilege, blasphemy and anti-religious hatred within our society.
- That our national leaders would seek to honor God’s Law and pray for the wisdom and knowledge necessary to solve America’s complex problems.
- For the urgent triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in America and the world especially as a result of our massive prayers and acts of reparation offered at these rallies.
- In reparation for the countless sins which are committed daily against the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the most Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Click here to become a Rosary Rally Captain!

At Fatima in 1917, Our Lady asked for prayers and sacrifices to console her for so many outrages against her and her Beloved Son. Some rallies were rained on, covered with Our Lady’s tears and making reparation for the sins and blasphemies against her most Immaculate Heart. Standing in the rain to pray the rosary was one very real way to do just that.

Click here to become a Rosary Rally Captain!
Other rallies took place in the bright sunshine of midday. The prayer warriors at these rallies were able to bask in the warmth of Our Lady’s maternal gaze of appreciation and enjoy, if only for an hour or so, a preview of life in the Reign of Mary, that blessed time of peace promised by Our Lady at Fatima when she said, “Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” United by a common cause and a shared love for the Mother of God, perhaps some of these Catholics went home emboldened to take their prayer experience to the next level by holding monthly rosary rallies in their home town.

Whatever the circumstances of the individual rallies across America, the collective result was the same: the faithful continuation of a tradition for this century and beyond—taking our place in the public square to give witness to our love for Our Lady and our firm hope in her promises for better days ahead when mankind will again place God in the center of their lives.

Click here to become a Rosary Rally Captain!

Fatima Deliveries
Across the Atlantic, a vibrant display of red and white roses graced the esplanade of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Fatima, Portugal on May 13, 2021, the 104th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun.

Each red rose represented the courage of a Rosary Rally Captain (see above). Each white rose stood before Our Lady as an expression of pure and faithful devotion from a friend or supporter who made the Public Square Rosary Rallies possible.

Candles were lit and all intentions sent to America Needs Fatima were presented at the Shrine of Our Lady.

Click here to become a Rosary Rally Captain!
Candlelight Procession
On October 12th, the eve of the Miracle of the sun, our volunteers attended the candlelight procession carrying a banner with thousand of names of America Needs Fatima members and friends. We who submitted our names joined this prayerful procession in spirit.

See the video below with your name on our banner in Fatima on October 12th 2021.
Thank you to our volunteers who graciously took all our intentions to Fatima and to all those who generously donated in order to make these deliveries to Fatima possible. May Our Lady of Fatima watch over you and guide you always.