November 2023: Rosary Rally Report
Nov 23, 2023 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
1,038 Rosary Rallies Celebrate Our Police on November 11th
Despite anti-police sentiment stoked by the radical left, real Americans value the police, the public defenders who put their lives on the line for us every day. For this reason, America Needs Fatima promoted over 1,000 Rosary Rallies in support of the police on November 11 in communities all across the nation.
Testimonials from Rally Captains
Like Saint Michael who defends us against the evil spirits that prowl about the world, our police keep our families safe from those who would do us harm. To show their support, our Rally Captains held public displays of prayer imploring God’s protection for those who devote their lives to protecting us.
Here are a few testimonials from the over thousand rallies that swept the nation:

“Salve Maria! Our Rosary Rally was wonderful today. There was very much enthusiasm from those driving by. One man stopped from Florida who was a former police and showed us the vest he was wearing with Saint Michael on it. He thanked us for being there. We gave him a Saint Michael medal. We received what seemed like a honk from almost everyone passing by – 175 honks and lots of waves. Some people were unresponsive and one lady gave a very negative motion putting her hand across her throat. Other than that, it was a glorious day with beautiful weather fighting alongside Saint Michael and the angels.”

“There were 17 praying and our pastor was there to give a little talk about the importance of the Rosary and he gave us a blessing.”
“We had nine people praying in front of the County Courthouse in Eureka, California. Thank you for the beautiful banner and Captain's Manual! We drew many thumbs ups and honks and waves from the cars passing by! So encouraging to know so many people here support our officers!”

“Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a Rosary Captain. I am looking so forward to many more in my life.”
“Here is our photo from the police Rosary Rally we had at our local police station. We pray there every month.”

“There were some honks and no negative responses. A police officer stopped by and thanked us for our support. Our police are very community oriented and generally speaking, people appreciate them.”
“It was a wonderful rally. Thank you!”

The Courage of a Nation
Our Rally Captains feel the pressure to conform to our decaying culture and media narratives. They display great courage by standing up in the public square and praying for our police.
Think of our officers in uniform – the courage they have, the sacrifices they make for us. As anti-police propaganda mounts, they need our support more than ever. As always, we thank our Rally Captains for not only helping us carry out Our Lady’s message, but also for fearlessly defending the values that make this nation great.
We may never know in this life how many souls we touch with our Rosary Rallies. But, as the Gospel tells us, Our Lord Jesus Christ would leave the 99 for the one. Even one more soul saved is worth all of our effort.
If you would like to join the America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Rally campaign, sign up today to become a Rally Captain. Our Rosary Rallies to Keep Christ in Christmas are just around the corner, and we’d love to have you join us. CLICK HERE to hold a Christmas Rosary Rally in your community now.