Opposing the Satan Club in Tacoma
Dec 16, 2016 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
The spiritual struggle between good and evil was apparent at Point Defiance Elementary School in Tacoma, Washington, as dozens of people gathered to protest the opening of an After School Satan Club that targets children as young as five.
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign mobilized their members in Tacoma. They assembled in front of the school for a peaceful prayer vigil and protest on December 14, from Noon to 1:00 PM, shortly before the Satan Club was scheduled to hold its first meeting on school property.
Between the recitation of the holy rosary, the faithful sang Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above and God Bless America. Signs and banners on display expressed the thoughts of millions of Americans: "God always! — "Satan never!" One of the 10-foot banners read:
"Satanism is not an American value. By accepting Satan we expel God from our schools."
The Satanic Temple opened its first Satan Club — also amid protest — in Portland, Oregon, and plans to start more in other cities. There is a broad attempt to eradicate the very notion of "one nation under God" by increasing the number of public sacrileges and blasphemies. The satanic revolution is gnawing at our nation's moral fabric, numbing our culture to the horror of sin, and paving the way for more sordid aberrations. For example, a public Satanic Black Mass was held in Oklahoma City earlier this year and a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was desecrated by Satanists in front of Old Saint Joseph's Cathedral in the same city on Christmas Eve.
However, as the forces of darkness strive to mainstream Satanism in America, more and more parents and faithful are stepping forward to block its advance and protect the innocence of their children and future of Christian Civilization.
A parent whose child attends Point Defiance Elementary School spoke of her distress. However, her voice as well as the voices of other parents are not given the importance they deserve. Their parental rights to oversee the education of their children is being trampled upon. Against their parental authority, Satan was given access to their children's school.
Catholics are on the front lines of this spiritual battle. In fact, a contingent of TFP members traveled from California and Pennsylvania to Washington state where they joined forces with local Catholics, including America Needs Fatima volunteers and Public Square Rosary Rally captains. Their message was clear: Satan is evil. Evil has not rights. Protect our children. Keep Satan out of our schools.

During the peaceful protest, Saint Michael, Captain of the Angelic Hosts, was invoked repeatedly over the bullhorn by veteran TFP member Philip Calder. As the faithful prayed, a man across the street yelled loudly: "Hail Satan." His dark cry did not deter the prayer warriors on the sidewalk who continued invoking the Queen of Heaven with their rosaries.
At the end of the protest, TFP volunteers formally presented 103,000 petitions collected online against the Satan Club to Point Defiance Elementary School. The box of petitions, along with a letter addressed to school principal, Lisa Boyd, was received by Dan Voelpel, executive director of communications for Tacoma Public Schools. He thanked the TFP representatives for delivering the petitions and mentioned that the protest was getting attention. News crews had arrived to report on the protest.
"If we don't keep fighting, our children will be lost," said a concerned lady. "What's happening is terrible, but we know that God's victory over evil is already assured."

Speaking of God's victory, Saint Louis de Montfort explains a passage from Genesis:
"God has only made and formed one enmity; but it is an irreconcilable one, which shall endure and grow even to the end. It is between Mary, His worthy Mother, and the devil — between the children and servants of the Blessed Virgin, and the children and tools of Lucifer... The humble Mary will always have the victory over that proud spirit, and so great a victory that she will go so far as to crush his head, where his pride dwells."
Saint Maximilian Kolbe adds: "There is much evil in the world, but let us not forget the Immaculate is more powerful yet, and that she will crush the infernal serpent's head."