2014 March for Life
Jan 22, 2014 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
The US Supreme Court’s January 22, 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is one of the most consequential court decisions in our nation’s history—a decision that paved the way to legalized abortion on demand. Since then, every year on or around its anniversary, courageous Americans of all ages and from all walks of life gather in Washington, DC to hold a peaceful demonstration of protest, prayer and witness in defense of the sanctity of human life.
Year after year, pro-life Americans persist in their efforts, hoping to turn the tide of public opinion to right the wrong that has, so far, caused the deaths of an estimated 55 million unborn children.
Encouraging Signs
This year, as hundreds of thousands march on Constitution Avenue towards the Supreme Court building, there are signs of hope. Significant gains have been noted on many fronts that the pro-life movement can proudly claim credit for.
The latest Gallup poll results revealed that more Americans now call themselves “pro-life” (50%) than “pro-choice” (41%). In 1995 those polled were heavily “pro-choice” (56% to 33%). This reversal proves that persistence and dedication pay off. The latest poll also found that the majority of those who call themselves pro-life are younger than thirty-five years old—a hopeful sign for the country’s future.
All across America, more and more states are enacting laws designed to curtail abortions by strictly regulating abortion clinics and providers resulting in a significant number of clinic closures and providers giving up their practices. But the most hopeful and significant sign is the steady decline in the actual number of abortions in the United States.
The last statistical data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the abortion rate fell by 3% in 2010 from 2009, which in turn fell by 5% from 2008.

Dedication and Commitment
Pro-life Americans don’t just march in Washington, DC every year. Their dedication and commitment drive them to mobilize and form pregnancy resource centers that help mothers deal with unwanted pregnancies; they offer counseling to women who are planning abortions; they finance billboards that proclaim the pro-life message; they form student pro-life organizations on college campuses to promote their message to our youth; they pray in front of abortion clinics; and they elect pro-life candidates for public office.
Recently, they have been organizing marches, much like the Washington, DC March for Life, all across the country and have inspired others around the world.

A Grand Presence Each Year
As the American TFP Band plays familiar patriotic hymns and the big red standards are prominently displayed, marchers cannot miss TFP’s participation every year.
A copy of Our Lady of Fatima’s Pilgrim Virgin Statue is often carried by TFP members in their ceremonial habits, lending an atmosphere of reverence and seriousness to the occasion.
TFP members in their familiar red capes can be seen in the crowd handing out fliers that contain TFP’s annual March for Life message.

Purity: a Key Element in an Abortion-free Society
There are many ways to solve the abortion problem. In 2014, America Needs Fatima and American TFP’s March for Life Statement promoted the practice of the virtue of purity.
Drawing from the inspiration of Saint Joan of Arc as the patroness for the culture of purity, ANF and American TFP introduced to the youth a perfect role model. A young maiden, dynamic and beautiful, Saint Joan of Arc was also a saint and a victorious commander of armies, as well as the savior of France. Her life of spotless purity could inspire a whole generation of young Americans to gain more lasting pro-life victories to come.