Novena Miracle Story
Dec 12, 2024 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Mother Who Loves to Bless Her Children
Since 2021, America Needs Fatima has conducted a powerful spiritual campaign to honor and offer reparation to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and Protectress of the Unborn. Tens of thousands of multi-colored roses have been delivered to her shrine in Mexico City, Mexico, as expressions of love and devotion from her children all across America.

In December 2024, ANF received the following email from one of Our Lady's children who participated in the Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe Campaign run via our Facebook page. In reading it, we hope that you will discover that the Blessed Virgin is indeed a Mother who answers the prayers of her little ones.
Mrs. F. from Indiana writes:
“I wanted to tell you all what happened to my husband and myself since praying the Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
I started the novena on Day 1. We’ve been short on groceries, so between days, I asked Our Lady to help us have enough food to last until my husband’s payday.

Day 4 ended with our car breaking down at his workplace. It wouldn’t start.
On day 5, my dad, who lives two hours away, came over, and my mom sent groceries! I was so happy! My dad and my husband went to try to fix the car. They replaced a fuse and got it going. Unfortunately, just as soon as the car pulled in our driveway, it died on us. My dad had to leave, but he said to call around to a mechanic.
During these few days, I begged Our Lady to help us because we had no money to fix our only car.
On day 6, I quietly prayed the novena, and I promised Our Lady that if she would aid us in finding a mechanic and a way to fix the car, I would pledge two roses, $10, to the novena. We only had $30 in the bank, so this was a big deal.
We found a mechanic and my parents had just enough funds to help us, so I did what I promised, even though there was still no guarantee that the car would be fixable.

Day 7, my husband took some gas money from our savings jar to give to a co-worker to come pick him up. I continued to pray the novena. Then, by noon, I received the best news possible.
Our car was fixed! Praise God! So my parents came over, and we went to the garage, and they paid well over $500 for the repairs. I felt so bad, but my mom said not to worry. Everything would be alright.
Day 8, my husband went to work as the car was running fine and I thank God, Jesus, and Our Lady for helping us through this trying ordeal. But there was one more surprise left.
Because we had a rough year due to health issues for both of us, my husband and I weren’t going to have a Christmas. I was okay with it, but frustrated because our little Christmas tree stopped working. I had talked to a friend a week prior who was selling artificial trees and I was hoping to get one before the car problems. Even though I knew as of yesterday it wasn’t going to happen, I was still grateful for everything that had transpired.
Then, yesterday evening, I thought my husband was home from work, so I went to meet him at the door. I opened it, and to my surprise, it was a friend who was a member of the local police force. He said he had something for me and my husband.

He went to his car and came back with a brand new Christmas tree in a box and an envelope he said would make us very happy. I had tears in my eyes as I hugged him and said thank you a million times.
After he left, I came back inside the house and opened the envelope. To my shock and surprise, it was full of gift cards totaling almost the exact amount my parents had paid to fix our car!
I started crying with relief and gratitude! My husband got home and was just as stunned. We offered to pay my parents, who refused, insisting we get groceries up for winter, etc.
Today is Day 9, the final day of the novena. I praise Our Lady for answering our prayers above and beyond what we could have hoped for. I wanted to share this story with you.
God bless you for emailing me every day this novena, and I praise Our Lady of Guadalupe for her kindness. God bless you all!!
P.S. Another thing happened on Saturday! We received $45 cash in the mail, no return address, stamped on the 13th in Louisville, Kentucky! I posted a thanksgiving of gratitude on Facebook, but we still have no clue who it was from.
In Christ’s name,
Mrs. F, Indiana
May Our Lady of Guadalupe continue to bless Mrs. F. with surprises, and may she reward all her children for placing their trust in her goodness when all else seems lost.
If this true Novena miracle story inspired you to pray for a miracle of your own, please click here to send roses and your intentions to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico.