10th Anniversary of the Public Square Rosary Rally Crusade
Oct 17, 2016 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
On October 15, 2016 more than 16,000 groups of faithful Catholics led by their Rosary Rally Captains prayed the Rosary as requested by Our Lady of Fatima 99 years ago for the conversion of the world.
This year was very special as we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Public Square Rosary Rally Crusade for America.
As many sectors of our modern society move more and more away from God and His Divine law by promoting sin instead of virtue and moral evil in the place of good, Catholics around America and the world gathered in a variety of different public places and prayed the Rosary.
The Rosary is the prayer Our Lady of Fatima asked repeatedly that we pray as an important tool to obtain peace and the conversion of sinners. As such, it is the most important weapon in our continuing battle against evil.
For the past 10 years, America Needs Fatima has promoted with growing numbers the Public Square Rosary Crusade on the Saturday closest to the feast of the Miracle of the Sun, the 6th and last apparition of Fatima, in 1917.
As you scroll down, you will view a long series of photos of various 2016 Rosary Rallies throughout our vast Nation. We also share with you a short list of commentaries and reports from Rosary Captains who shared with us details about their rallies.
Note: We have edited these reports for the sake of clarity and removed the names of the senders. The photos were chosen randomly from thousands of photos sent to us; they are not necessarily connected with the reports.

Dear Robert,
We had 25 people attend our Public Square Rosary this past Saturday, October 15, 2016. We prayed the Rosary in front of the statue of Our Blessed Mother in front of our church Jesus Divine Word located in Huntington, Maryland, 20639. We were joined by members of our Knights of Columbus Council 14775. Thanks for everything you do for our Blessed Mother and Our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope to have 100 people attend in October 2017.

Mr. Ritchie, today our children from 1st - 5th grade faith formation classes prayed the rosary from the America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally. I thought I'd send a few pictures to show how great of an impact you do. Thank you! Blessings.
Mr. Ritchie! :-) :-) :-)
I did it !!! My first Rosary Rally!!! It won't be the last! I'm so happy, I will commit to doing this every year. As long as God gives me life! Thank you! I will send in all the pictures.

Dear Mr. Ritchie,
Our Lady and Our Lord did it! Despite my fractured feet, I was able to hold my Rally today in conjunction with a Walk for Life Rally in front of a Planned Parenthood! We said the Rosary, led by a priest and sang and said all the prayers.
And the most amazing part? Today was supposed to be the worst rainstorm that San Francisco would have seen yet this year. Yet, I prayed to Our Lady last night and this morning and it was completely sunny and dry! Truly everything is possible if I put the request through her to Him!
I am so delighted! I thought that this would be a total disaster and that I would fail you and ANF. I left several messages. I thought my fractured feet would stop me. I have a cane, the handle of which is shaped like a snake. The bus driver who took me in the disabled Paratransit bus, to the location, told me: "Just remember that your cane is like Moses' staff---he threw it down and it devoured Pharaoh's sorcerers' snakes; and also in John 3:14 "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up!" And we lifted up Christ in front of that murderous baby-killing mill today.
So another victory for Our Lady and Our Lord!

I want to take a moment to share with you that today we celebrated the 99th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. I am honored and grateful to coordinate the event. The event was a fabulous outcome. I am grateful to the 5 young men who prayed the rosary, 3 mysteries in English and 2 in Spanish. then we had a Mass, and after Mass we had a wonderful pot luck dinner with Mexican Alabanza music. The turnout was so beautiful that we are making arrangements to make a huge fiesta party next year for the 100th anniversary. We need to pray for peace, so we can have a huge celebration. I feel very honored to be a captain of the most Holy Rosary.
Hi Mr. Ritchie,
Today I joined with a rally praying Rosary that they connected to your program at Andrew Square, South Boston, MA. It was exciting for me and the group. We prayed the Rosary, Divine Mercy, praying for voting, for Police in Boston, Singing God Bless America...and people brought donuts and tea.

We did our Fatima Public Square with signs & Rosaries: Marriage is between and man and woman, most of the horns that honked were African Americans, we had close to 35 people, it was joyful, what a beautiful day!
I signed up for 2017, and was a captain this year (2016) and the previous 2 years, 2015 and 2014. I wanted to let you know that I sent in my group picture from Lake Orion, MI 48362 today. We had 85 people show up. I think about 65 stayed for the picture.
Next year I will request another banner that people can just hold, since my current banner is on poles and we stake it along the highway for maximum visibility.

Hello Robert,
I hope you are well on this beautiful Sunday. I want to share with you that we had a wonderful Rosary Rally yesterday in Evansville, Indiana. 58 people of all ages came to the Four Freedoms Monument to pray, including a priest and 3 deacons. We had a breeze blowing off the Ohio River and blue skies, but most importantly we all prayed! Thank you for all you do to organize these wonderful rallies!

Dear friends in Christ,
I just want to share with you the great joy I felt yesterday at the Rally. We were at the corner of Citrus and Alosta, right in the corner of the Azusa Pacific University, in Azusa CA. I invited some friends sending the flyer and the image of Our Lady by text from my cell phone. It was scheduled for 3 - 4PM. My husband and I were the only ones by 3 o'clock, we started the Divine Mercy Chaplet while waiting for some of the friends that had confirmed their support. We were about 7 adults and a 7-year-old girl. It was hot!
Thanks for giving the opportunity to participate in this campaign. May God keep using us for the salvation of souls!
Thank you so much for your letters and encouragement. We had about 30 people, and I will continue the good fight with you. I cannot thank you enough for your leadership. Everyone said it was a success yesterday. I now live in Jacksonville, FL.
Thanks again. God Bless you!

Good morning - Our Public Rosary Rally at St. John Vianney in Mentor, OH was more than we ever could believe! We had prayed that at least 40 people would show up... Lo and behold, we had 106 attendees from many parishes all around the area. And to top it off, it was one of the most beautiful weather days that our Lady sent to us for our first Rally.
Thanks a lot for your email. Yes we managed to pray on October 15, 2016 at 12.00 noon. Eight families turned up with their children. Will send you some photographs and cards for the books this week too. I have also registered to be a 2017 Rosary Captain.
Saturday October 15, 2016 at Immaculate Conception Church, Marian Grotto, Fairbanks, Alaska. We had 35 persons attend in sunny but very windy conditions! May Our Lady continue to bless those who came out to do her work last Saturday. We had representation from many lay apostolate groups including Legion of Mary, Knights of Columbus and 3rd Order Carmelites.

Dear Friends Who Love Our Lady,
I am writing to update you on the Rosary Rally we held last week in honor of Our Lady, to pray in reparation for what is going on in our country and for the conversion of sinners. It is the penultimate year of the 100th Anniversary that Our Lady appeared at Fatima! Are we doing all we can to save our country, convert sinners and prepare our souls?
For those of you who couldn't make it, we missed you and hope you can come next time!
For those who came, thank you! You participated in one of 16,323 rallies all praying at the same time storming Heaven! This brought me so much hope and was a real grace to be a part of it with you. The day of the rally also happened to be 100 years since the start of Planned Parenthood.
We received over 400 HONKS from traffic driving by which is the most we have ever received. A few of the "honks" came from police cars who buzzed their noisy megaphones. Everyone who participated came for the first time except for a Protestant lady who enthusiastically joined us off the street last rally (she came again)! She can't wait for the next one and is asking when I will do another one. "I'll go next week or every week", she said! She is encouraging ME, a Catholic, to be more active than I otherwise would be.
We had 18 people in total! Like one lady who came said, "this area should be crowded with people praying"! I couldn't agree with her more! What I love about the PUBLIC rally is we get to be in the public eye! Public sins need public reparation!!! We also had to pray loudly (which added to the enthusiasm) in order to be heard over the noise of the busy intersection. When do we get a chance to do that? One 7 year old girl kept jumping up and down and yelling "Honk for Jesus" after the rally was over. She wasn't done fighting for God! A policeman also stopped to give the children police badge stickers and to thank us. He said, "I never saw anyone do anything like this before" and was very grateful. We had some Support/Honk for our Police signs in lieu of what is happening in our country to destroy hierarchy, order, and respect for our police.
Given the nervousness I feel going to a public prayer rally, I'm always amazed at the peace and joy that comes once I'm there and afterwards... but what is a little discomfort? Look at the discomfort our Lord withstood for us!
I am filled with hope when I remember Our Lady's words: "Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph" and desire we all live to see that day!

Good Morning!
Our parishioner, Theresa, has once again coordinated our very successful annual rosary rally. Along with a thank you to our participants, Theresa sent me a lovely picture for our website and bulletin. She has requested that I forward it to you.
We plan to hold the rally next year, in our newly renovated and landscaped prayer garden. It is in the process having trees planted, brick walks, benches and statues. Our hope is to gather more participants as we celebrate the 100th year of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima.
Enclosed are the pictures of our Fatima Rosary Rally in Spokane, WA., at the Grotto which is between Gonzaga University Ad. Bldg. and St. Aloysius Church. There were 10 present during the "Tears from Heaven" raining down upon us. We started with 5 decades of the Joyful Mysteries, 1/2 of the Sorrowful Mysteries at the Grotto and completed the Sorrowful Mysteries in St. Al's in front of the Blessed Mother's statue. Virginia, the elderly lady who has been doing this for years, led the Rosary and made the decision that the Glorious Mysteries could be finished in the privacy of our home or whatever.
Since there were MORE than 3 of us, Jesus & Mary were there and that gave comfort to all who were present. I have signed up as Captain again for next year. So, God willing you will have 2 captains again, Virginia and myself. God bless you & your staff in your services to Our Lady of Fatima.

Many greetings of Peace and Joy!
We are happy to report to you that there were around 60 people who attended the Public Square Rosary Crusade in Deer Park, TX 77536, last Saturday, October 15, 2016.
We praise and thank God, through the Blessed Lady Virgin Mary, for the success of this event, for a Grace-filled one!
Thank you again for all the materials that you are sending us, these are indeed very useful for our Faith Journey, and for all that you do for the good of God's people in our Church - for the greater honor and glory of our God!