2015 March for Marriage
Apr 25, 2015 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
REPORT: The March for Marriage this year took place on April 25th and was the largest to date. The March is promoted by the National Organization for Marriage and co-sponsored by several other conservative organizations. (see photos below)
The 2015 March sent a powerful message to the Supreme Court to uphold the true definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This is more crucial now than ever, as the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for cases involving the states' marriage amendments of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee on April 28th. A decision is expected in June.
A growing number of states allow homosexual unions due to judicial decisions. These decisions fly in the face of millions of voters in more than half of the states. Many Christians are left on their own, with little direction, to face such a destructive attack against Christian Civilization in America.
Homosexual unions are against both the Divine and Natural Law. They go against the way God created us, and it is a serious sin which places those who practice it in great spiritual peril.
Homosexual activists repeatedly speak of love. They argue that those who oppose them are hateful people. In reality, most opponents of homosexuality think quite differently. We oppose the sin, and we fight it because sin turns a person into an enemy of God. Sin places a person at enormous risk of losing eternal happiness with God. It is so sad that same-sex proponents seek earthly pleasure of sin with little regard for the eternal reward of virtue.
In the difficult age we live in, the March for Marriage was a sight to behold. In the midst of the avalanche of the media push for same-sex unions and with religious persecution on the rise in America, thousands of courageous souls gathered in our Nation's capital. On Saturday, they marched to the Supreme Court with a clear message: "Marriage as designed by God our Creator, is a union between a Man and a Woman. You have no right under God to redefine marriage."
American TFP and America Needs Fatima volunteers joined the March in large numbers. Our standards, flags and banners could be seen throughout the March. A large eye-catching banner displayed the names of 12,251 people which were collected by America Needs Fatima to represent those who could not be physically present. Our musical band set a special tone to the event by playing martial and religious hymns from the beginning of the March all the way to the Supreme Court.

As the marchers approached the Supreme Court with their banners, music and slogans, they encountered a small group of approximately 50 homosexual advocates. From an outside observer's perspective, it looked as if the small group of counter-protesters were engulfed by a tsunami of pro-marriage marchers.
We offer our readers an array of pictures (below) and we thank all those who made this event possible.
Whatever the outcome of the Supreme Court’s decision in June, history witnessed a magnificent act of fidelity to God and His Divine and Natural Law. We pray that the 2015 March for Marriage may rise up to Heaven as a prayer. May God, merciful and just, never abandon our Nation despite our many sins.
"Out of the depths I call to you, O Lord; Lord, hear my cry! May your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord keep account of sins, Lord, who can stand?" Psalm:130
Photos from the 2015 March for Marriage