January 2024: Rosary Rally Report
Jan 26, 2024 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
1,071 Rosary Rallies all Across America pray for the Unborn
The radical left has a lot to say about a woman’s “right to choose”—but nothing about the unborn child, the other human life abortion involves. This January, America Needs Fatima gave a voice to the voiceless, promoting over 1,000 Pro-Life Rosary Rallies all across the nation.
Testimonials from Rally Captains
Psalm 139 tells us that God knit all persons in their mother’s womb. From the very earliest moment of creation, God knows and loves the unborn as much as He knows and loves any one of us—yet secular society and the radical left continue to push the idea that they are not human lives.
Our Rally Captains don’t agree with this horrendous notion. They bravely took a stand for the unborn through peaceful acts of public prayer.
Here are a few testimonials and pictures from the over one thousand rallies that swept the nation:

“Twenty-five of us gathered in front of Saint Francis of Assisi Church in Haskell, New Jersey, joining many other groups across the nation, praying in thanksgiving for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. Prayers were also offered in support of those marching in the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and in California for the end of abortion worldwide, and for the repeal of existing pro-abortion laws present in individual states across the country.”
“Thank you for all you do and the encouragement we receive from your correspondence.”

“Members of Saint Charles Boromeo Catholic Church and friends from Save-A-Life of Calhoun County held a rally in our Town Square this past Saturday. We first had a Mass at Saint Charles and then walked about two miles through town, past Jacksonville State University and up to the Town Square. We had speakers from our local Save-A-Life Women’s Center and we prayed a Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We also sang traditional and contemporary Christian music. We had tables set up with all kinds of Catholic stuff to give away.”
“It began raining hard midway through, but that didn’t stop us!”

“We join countless other groups across America today praying for the safety and protection of unborn babies, for the end to abortion and for the Supreme Court justices to vote for the sanctity of life in their rulings.”
“It was wonderful to gather as a group to pray the rosary for the unborn.”

Defending the Defenseless
Those so concerned with “choice” give no choice to the unborn, denying their right to life. However, our Rally Captains take a stand to defend innocent human life.
Through their courageous public displays of prayer, our Rally Captains advocate for the sanctity of life and defend those who cannot defend themselves, even when it means putting their own comfort and safety at risk.
We may never know in this life how many souls we touch with our Rosary Rallies. Hundreds of thousands pass by our rallies and we can only hope that the seeds of a future conversion are planted in their minds and hearts.
If you would like to join the America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Rally campaign, sign up today to become a Rally Captain. Our Rosary Rallies for Saints Jacinta and Francisco are just around the corner, and we’d love to have you join us. CLICK HERE to hold a Rosary Rally in your community now.