Rosary Rally Report: 2014
Oct 12, 2014 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
Yes, with God all things are possible. The sheer number of rosary rallies held in 2014 year across America was unprecedented in history: 12,629. That means in all fifty states, in over 12,000 public visible locations from coast to coast, groups of faithful gathered to pray the holy rosary in the public square and celebrate the 97th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima.
Also, 12,629 Red Roses were offered to Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. It poured, but the rain did not stop our determined volunteers.
But although the annual rosary rally effort grows year after year, the liberal media prefers not to mention it. Look at it this way. In September, news outlets made a big deal about 100 rallies for minimum wage increase (Los Angeles Times); in July, CBS 8 talked about 170 rallies for immigration reform; in October of 2013, The New York Times wrote all about 150 rallies regarding immigration; and in September of 2011, countless media outlets raved about 100 leftist "occupy" groups.
With so many prayer rallies—over 12,000—the liberal media still managed to pretend they never happened. Regardless, God took notice.
After months of intense yet enthusiastic volunteer work by a team of 12,629 dedicated rosary rally captains, the annual event sponsored by the TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign was held on October 11th, 2014 nationwide at noon.
Saint Dominic explains how the rosary is "a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin and dispel heresy." Bearing in mind how powerful the rosary is against the forces of darkness, a record-breaking number of Public Square Rosary Rallies covered the nation like a mantle of prayer: Over 12,000 acts of faith and public devotion, over 12,000 reasons for hope and courage blanketed the country.

At every turn we see efforts within our twisted and "progressive" culture that attempt to banish God from the public square, uproot moral values and dismantle the family. The sins of procured abortion and same-sex unions, for example, are openly promoted. Which begs the question: How long will God tolerate these offenses against the order He created?
The growth of this movement of massive prayer demonstrates that Americans are turning to God and the Blessed Mother for strength, courage and hope. In fact, the need for conversion, prayer and penance is more pressing today than it was in 1917 when Our Lady appeared to Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia. The holy rosary will help us restore society, the holy rosary will give us the spiritual fortitude to fight the good fight, follow God’s law, and attract His blessings on America.
With renewed hope in God's final victory, let us recall the promise made by the Queen of Heaven herself when at Fatima, she said:
"Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!"
To all the rosary rally captains who put time and talent into this much needed spiritual crusade, please accept our gratitude and appreciation. We know God will reward and bless you.