October 2024: Rosary Rally Report

Oct 15, 2024 / Written by: America Needs Fatima

Over 22,662 Rosary Rallies Unite Catholics around the Fatima Message on October 12th

On October 12, 2024, a remarkable display of faith, public action and devotion unfolded across the United States. As part of America Needs Fatima’s Public Square Rosary Rally campaign, hundreds of thousands of Catholics gathered on streets and sidewalks, in parks and public squares, to pray the rosary together.

This year's event marked a historic milestone, with a record-breaking 22,662 rosary rallies held nationwide. From bustling city centers like Manhattan, where a crowd gathered in front of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, to quiet rural towns, Americans from all walks of life prayed together out of concern for the state of the nation. The event was a testament to the unwavering devotion of Catholics across the country, who did not fear to appear in public to seek Our Lady of Fatima's intercession for our nation.

New York City Rally
New York City Rally

Click here to become a rosary rally captain in October 2025!

The Miracle of the Sun and the Fatima Message

Taken as a whole, the October effort might well be called “the World’s Largest Rosary Rally.” The event is held on the Saturday closest to October 13, the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun. On that fateful day in 1917, the three children who saw Our Lady at Fatima — now known as Saint Jacinta, Saint Francisco, and Sister Lucia — were vindicated by a miraculous celestial event. The sun appeared to dance and twirl in the sky, a phenomenon that was observed by tens of thousands of people.

The Miracle of the Sun served as a powerful confirmation of Our Lady's message to the children, which included calls for prayer, penance, and conversion. The young believers endured immense suffering for their faith, facing threats, persecution and even a short period of imprisonment.

Now, 107 years later, American Catholics are still impressed by the children’s willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of the Faith. Our Lady’s message continues to be a timeless inspiration to Catholics around the world. Rosary rally captains follow in their footsteps, offering their own sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

East Hartford, Connecticut
East Hartford, Connecticut

Testimonials from Rally Captains

Rally captains from all over the nation and beyond are flooding America Needs Fatima’s website, email inbox, and Facebook page with their photos and reports. These testimonies demonstrate the workings of grace in souls and the impact of rosary rallies on local communities and the nation.

Here are just a few of these reports:

Somers Point NJ
Patricia’s rosary rally in Somers Point, New Jersey

“We had a beautiful and very successful public rosary rally today in the park in Somers Point, New Jersey today. We gather three times per year for Our Lady of Fatima and Saint Joseph. 13 years and counting! And my, we have grown! Thank you for sponsoring this very important cause.” - Patricia H. in Somers Point, New Jersey

Jessica’s rosary rally in Martinez, California.
Jessica’s rosary rally in Martinez, California

“We had a successful rally, hundreds of cars drove by at the corner of a busy intersection in front of a busy gas station- lots of honks of support here in Martinez, California. A wonderful mother and son joined us, and it was their first time praying the Rosary ever! They come from a Muslim family, with some Catholic in-laws but don’t practice any particular faith themselves. Pray for their conversion to the one true Faith!” - Jessica P. in Martinez, California

Beatriz’s rosary rally in Buckeye, Arizona.
Beatriz’s rosary rally in Buckeye, Arizona

“It was a wonderful experience for everyone, and many shared the beauty of praying the rosary as a united force. After the rosary, we had a small meal together. Many blessings to everyone who attended and for the particular intention of the United States elections, its citizens, and the need for healing in the entire world.” - Beatriz M. in Buckeye, Arizona

Evangeline’s rosary rally in San Diego, California.
Evangeline’s rosary rally in San Diego, California

“Truly amazing experience. I thought there were only a few of us, but, at the last minute, people came. A new rally captain, David, who just signed up, joined us and was amazed by how many people showed up. Thank you, dearest mother. I was anxious already because people I invited did not say that they were coming. We were blessed with nice weather and we ran out of chairs as most attendees were senior citizens.” - Evangeline T. in San Diego, California

Maria’s rosary rally in San Pedro, California.
Maria’s rosary rally in San Pedro, California

“Our Rally took place in San Pedro on Saturday, October 12, 2024. In attendance were 29 devotees of Our Lady. It was a lovely day to gather and pray to Our Mother her beautiful Rosary! May she hear our prayer.” - Maria S. in San Pedro, California

Connie’s rosary rally in Panama City Beach, Florida.
Connie’s rosary rally in Panama City Beach, Florida

“We had an awesome, uplifting Rally Event! This was our first one and we had 29 participants. It was so reverent and many people said that saying the Angelus together reminded them of attending parochial school, how everyone stopped what they were doing when the bells rang at noon.
One woman said she’d been trying to get someone to come without any luck. She called one last time and the lady showed up! Afterwards she told her friend it was just what she needed to hear. I’m not sure what she is going through but it had a profound effect on her.
People in attendance were very moved and asked if I would be willing to do these maybe once every month or two. I said I would be glad to lead them again, if that’s ok with you. We recited the rosary together, not leader and respondent like they do before mass, people said they LOVED being able to pray it all together.
Everyone said it was such a wonderful prayerful way to ask Our Lady’s intercession for our country and the world.
A number of our knights of Columbus members joined us as well. Our Grand Knight included information about our rally in meeting notes and his column in our bulletin.
I’m so grateful to have been given the opportunity. When we hold our next one, I am going to invite the other Catholic parishes in our county to join us. Hopefully it will encourage other churches to consider being rally captains next year.
God bless all your extraordinary work with America Needs Fatima!” - Connie Q. in Panama City Beach, Florida

Barbara’s rosary rally in Naples, Florida.
Barbara’s rosary rally in Naples, Florida

“I was overwhelmed by the participation of 20 fellow family members of Saint Finbarr. This was our first event. God blessed us with overcast skies and less humid weather. We will have another next year. A few truckers honked in unison. May God bless all rally participants and may the Blessed Mother keep everyone safely wrapped in her mantle of love. Thank you for this opportunity to serve Our Lady of Fatima!” - Barbara V. in Naples, Florida

Click here to become a rosary rally captain in October 2025!

The Power of Public Prayer

The testimonies of the captains and the impression on the public proves the transformative power of the World’s Largest Rosary Rally. The efforts of 22,662 rally captains swept across our nation like an overwhelming wave of grace. So many people received spiritual benefits from this crusade!

Reflecting on the success of the 2024 Public Square Rosary Crusade, we are filled with hope and gratitude. We are inspired by the dedication of American Catholics. By continuing to participate in these rallies and to spread Our Lady's message, our brave rally captains help shape the future of our nation and the world.

We encourage all Catholics to join us in the 2025 World’s Largest Rosary Rally. As a rally captain in this historic event, you can help us bring about the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

Sign up today to become a rally captain in next year’s Public Square Rosary Rally Campaign. CLICK HERE to become a Rally Captain in 2025.

Chaska, Minnesota
Chaska, Minnesota

Candlelight Procession in Fatima - October 12th

As the sun set, darkness rolled in accompanied by powerful gusts of wind. The brightness of the moon could barely be seen between the dark clouds that came and went. The intermittent flashes of lightning on the horizon heralded a storm.

The bells of the sanctuary announced 9:30 p.m. The candlelight procession was about to begin, and the esplanade of the sanctuary was crowded with pilgrims. Each year, this ceremonial procession re-enacts part of the setting of the Miracle of the Sun in October 1917 when thousands and thousands of pilgrims and onlookers gathered under an overcast sky awaiting a miraculous sign foretold by Our Lady herself. This year, the approaching storm added to this touching experience.

2024 Fatima Candlelight Banner Procession

The recitation of the Holy Rosary started, led from the Chapel of the Apparitions, each mystery in a different language. The banner of America Needs Fatima, with a large picture of the Virgin of Fatima inside an oval surrounded by the thousands of printed names of the benefactors of the rosary rallies, took its place in the procession, next to the numerous groups from the most varied places who had gathered there: Germans, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Romanians, Spaniards, Portuguese, and many more.

Just as the fourth Joyful Mystery was about to begin, an intense downpour occurred boosted by strong gusts of wind, scattering a good part of the pilgrims who ran in search of shelter. The banner of America Needs Fatima was carried by a young couple, Alberto and Joana. Alberto is Mexican and Joana is Brazilian, they live in Ireland and are great admirers of the rosary rallies. Next to them was Mr. Damien Murphy, a veteran member of the American TFP with an American flag. Although their raincoats provided some protection from the pouring rain and wind, the campaign manager suggested they take cover. Joana firmly stated: “No, no, we are offering this for Our Lady so that it may serve as encouragement to those who will soon be on the streets all across the United States.”

2024 Fatima Candlelight Procession

For a moment it seemed that the procession would be suspended. But after a while, when everything and everyone was soaked, the rain stopped, and the luminous white cross that guides the procession began to advance. The excited singing of the Ave, Ave Maria was repeated again and again as a mantle of candles twinkled across the esplanade like stars in the firmament. Raised above the throngs of pilgrims, the statue of the Virgin Mary slowly crossed this sea of faith, carried on high by the cadets of the military academy on a throne of white roses provided by the supporters of America Needs Fatima, protecting her emotional children who with quiet tears gave her their hearts.

2024 Fatima Candlelight Procession

Roses offered to Our Lady at Fatima

A beautiful day replete with dazzling sunshine greeted us on the esplanade of the Sanctuary of Fatima. It perfectly framed the extraordinary presentation of white and red roses arranged at the shrine’s entrance, with the Chapel of the Apparitions and the tower of the shrine in the background. Three large banners explained to the pilgrims the meaning of the event: the rosary rallies organized by America Needs Fatima were taking place all across the United States this weekend.

2024 Fatima - Banners and Roses

A total of 22,662 separate groups prayed the rosary in the streets and public places of their respective cities, towns and villages, in reparation for the offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of America. A large bouquet of red roses were presented in the name of all the registered rosary rally captains and many thousands of white roses; the white roses were presented to Our Lady on behalf of all our faithful donors who made the 2024 October rosary rallies a huge success, this annual tribute of reparation to Mary would not have been possible without their financial support.

Intentions, candles, roses

The shrine was already buzzing with pilgrims and more groups of pilgrims kept arriving. Many pilgrims, who had walked miles and miles on foot, joined us in this unique offering, forming a large semicircle. Afterwards, the roses were taken to decorate the Chapel of the Apparitions and to embellish the litter that carried the statue of the Virgin during the procession.

Thank You!

A profound Thank You to all who made this symbolic public tribute of reparation and love to the Virgin Mary possible. And a BIG Thank You to all our rosary rally captains and donors. May God bless you!

To see more Rosary Rally images from across America, please click here and scroll down below the map!

Click here to become a rosary rally captain in October 2025!