November 2024: Rosary Rally Report
Nov 13, 2024 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
1,000 Rally Captains Organize Pro-Police Rallies
In a time marked by increasing attacks on law enforcement, our police rarely get the appreciation they deserve. However, on November 9, over one thousand rosary rallies organized by America Needs Fatima swept the nation to offer powerful, public prayer for law enforcement personnel who tirelessly protect our communities.
Why Support Our Police?
Law enforcement officers face unprecedented challenges. They are often vilified and condemned while their noble work is misrepresented and misunderstood. Despite such obstacles, they remain steadfast in their commitment to serve and protect. They are the guardians of our peace, the first line of defense against those who would do us harm.
Inspired by the example of Saint Michael the Archangel, the patron saint of police officers, our rosary rally captains invoked divine protection upon our law enforcement. Just as Saint Michael defends us against spiritual evil, our police officers stand guard against physical and moral threats to our families. Through the power of prayer, Catholics everywhere sought to strengthen their resolve, guide their actions, and shield them from harm.
Testimonials from Rally Captains
Over 1,000 rally captains held public displays of prayer, imploring God’s protection for those who devote their lives to protecting us. Here are a few testimonials from the rallies held across the nation:
“I was the Captain of the Fatima rosary rally for the police. It was amazing! Unfortunately I got so distracted that I was unable to get pictures. We were at an extremely busy intersection and our Lord Jesus Christ and our Holy Mother Mary were able to bless, convert and spread the Holy Spirit to a great many people. It was wonderful to share in the most amazing experience and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mother and Father God Almighty.” - Patty H. in Lafayette, Louisiana

“I wanted to share a couple of photos of the pro-police prayer rally at Lions Park here in DeKalb. We prayed the Saint Michael prayer, followed by a Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy.” - Douglas S. in Dekalb, Illinois

“Good evening! I went to pray a rosary to protect the police at the intersection of Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road in front of the local police station. I was there at 1130am to 12:30pm. A teenage boy passed by; I asked him to take this picture. Thank you for the opportunity to do this. It's good to show people that we need to be thankful that police risk their lives to help us. May God and our Mother Mary bless the police and you at ANF for all you do!” - Noemi D. in Wheaton-Glenmont, Maryland

“Here's our photo for the Veteran's Day Public Square Rosary for Police (and we included law enforcement officers in general in our thoughts and prayers). We had nine people praying in front of the County Courthouse in Eureka, California. Thank you for the beautiful banner and Captain's Manual! We drew many thumbs ups and honks and waves from the cars passing by! So encouraging to know so many people here support our officers!May the Morning Star rise in our hearts!” - Elena W. in Eureka, California

“I'm sending pictures from our November rally offering our prayers for the protection of our police across the country. It was so heartening to see new prayer warriors join us. It was a sunny day, but very cold and windy, which offered us all the opportunity to offer up our discomfort along with our prayers. I feel it was a grace filled hour with Mary. We also had no interference from the evil one, as we have had a couple of times in the past. God bless ANF and your continued prayer ministry bringing to attention the atrocities against Jesus Sacred Heart and that of the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary. We will join in December praying to Keep Christ in Christmas. Blessings, and may you have a very Happy Thanksgiving! We still have so very much to be thankful for.” - Nancy B. in Columbus, Ohio
The Power of Public Prayer
Our brave police officers aren’t the only everyday heroes. Rosary rally captains embody the courage and conviction that define the American spirit. They fearlessly step into the public square, often facing ridicule and opposition, to pray for causes that are vital to our nation's well-being. Their selfless dedication is a testament to their unwavering faith and love for our country.
If you would like to join the America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Rally campaign, sign up today to become a rally captain. Our Rosary Rallies to Keep Christ in Christmas are just around the corner, and we’d love to have you join us. CLICK HERE to hold a Christmas Rosary Rally in your community now. Together, we can build a brighter future for our nation by uniting thousands around the rosary.