February 2025: Rosary Rally Report
Mar 03, 2025 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
On February 22, 2025, thousands of Americans gathered at 1,009 separate rosary rallies held across the country to commemorate the feast day of Saints Jacinta and Francisco. Rally goers bravely filled public spaces with prayer and stood as bold witnesses to the two saints’ devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. They also served as a reminder of Our Lady’s message to “pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war.”
In 1917, Francisco and his sister Jacinta, together with their cousin, Lucia, witnessed Our Lady of Fatima at the Cova de Iria in Portugal six times over six months. These young children, who were innocently pasturing sheep when the Blessed Mother first visited, showed incredible faith towards the lady who called herself the “Lady of the Rosary.”
When Lucia told Francisco that Our Lady said he would have to say many rosaries to go to Heaven, Francisco quickly exclaimed that he would say as many as she wanted!
Although Saints Jacinta and Francisco succumbed to the deadly Spanish flu just three years after the apparitions, they dedicated every moment of their lives to Our Lady. Motivated by prayer and penance, their simple faith saved souls. They were canonized on May 2017.
Testimonials from the rosary rally poured in from across America – including Hawaii – from rally captains who were inspired by the ways these ordinary shepherd children answered an extraordinary call. At her rally, Susan R. from the Island of Oahu was joined by friends and family outside of the Waianae Police Station. “We were small group, but we prayed hard,” she said.

Another rally caption, Bonnie G. from St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Metropolis, Ill., said everyone was very appreciative of the opportunity to join together to say the rosary. “The rosary is very special to us and knowing that hundreds of others were praying in other cities and towns across America at the same time was a great reward,” she said.
Sylvia N. from El Paso said she was so glad to have had the rosary rally at her community park. “We had a good turnout as some people who drove by stopped to join us, as did some from the neighborhood,” she said. “Everyone felt blessed to pray honoring Jacinta and Francisco, for the devotion of Our Lady, and for the conversion of America. They all said they were ready for the next rally!”
Another rosary rally captain, Juanita F., held a rally on the southeast side of Chicago near Edgar’s Grove Park. Although it was bitterly cold and the winds were strong, her group said, “Yes, no matter the elements we would have to face, we were happy to do this rally honoring Saints Jacinta and Francisco!”

“More than 100 years after little Jacinta and Francisco were visited by Our Lady of the Rosary, they are still having an impact on lives around the world,” said Robert Ritchie, director of America Needs Fatima, which organizes these rosary rallies. “While we may never know the full effect of our monthly rosary rallies, we know we have reached hundreds of thousands of people who may have opened their hearts even just a little to Our Lady’s enduring love.”
Each rosary rally is a chance to bring Our Blessed Mother Mary and Christ back into the public square, an important step in reversing the cultural damage done by radical leftists who work to destroy America’s Christian foundation. One of the greatest attacks has been on the sacrament of marriage – which is why our March 22 rosary rally is dedicated to praying for the defense of God’s marriage (one man and one woman).
To make the March traditional marriage rallies the largest ever, we need your help as a rally captain, fully supported by us along the way. Please CLICK HERE to register and receive a step-by-step guidebook and beautiful banner to help ensure your successful rosary rally.
"But Jesus said to them: Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me: for the kingdom of heaven is for such. Matthew 19:14
Header image - Sylvia N. from El Paso, Texas