Rosary Rally Report: May 2017
May 13, 2017 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
"Pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world!" — Our Lady of Fatima
The 215,000 members of America Needs Fatima wanted to do something special to honor Our Lady of Fatima on the 100th anniversary of Her first apparition at Fatima Portugal.
And so, on Saturday, May 13th, at noon local time, 4,121 rosary rallies were held in town squares, at busy intersections, and in public places all across America and the world to celebrate the Centennial Year and to say a big, enthusiastic YES to the Blessed Mother's Fatima message.
Those who prayed the Rosary on Saturday at the 4,121 rallies were certain that Our Lady was pleased to see so many people praying the Rosary all together on May 13th, which is the very day She pleaded: “Pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world!”

In fact, most Catholics are quite familiar with the goodness of the Blessed Mother, and how easily She is touched by the prayers of Her children, and how She intervenes on behalf of Catholics by public prayer, especially by the praying of Her Rosary.
Two signal example of this are the great naval Battle at Lepanto where Catholic forces defeated a larger Turkish fleet in 1571, and the unexpected and miraculous liberation in 1955 of Austria from the unjust post-war Soviet Communist occupation.
If Our Lady has worked such wonders in the past, She can and will help us now to solve the growing problems of the world – if we do what She asked for at Fatima!
This hope and trust in Our Lady of Fatima and in the power of the Rosary was expressed, for example, in these words of rally captain, Therese Castle, from Landsford PA:
"Graces were poured on us spiritually and with much rain. It was hopeful that people still showed up even though the weather was so wet. I saw some new faces at the rally too. One new young man came and was very enthused and grateful! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! May She transform, have mercy on us and help us! Viva Christi Rey! Two young men drove by in a jeep and honked and waved over and over again. They were very excited and happy to see us praying the Rosary."

At the America Needs Fatima flagship rosary rally on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, New York, the event was blessed with the participation of a fervent group of prayer warriors who prayed the Rosary, sang hymns and processed down the busy New York streets with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The continuous rain, rather than dampen the spirits of the rally participants, seemed to make them call out the prayers in the Rosary louder, and with more commitment than if there had been sun and nice weather.