Saint Macrina the Younger
Jul 06, 2015 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
Feast July 19
Macrina was born in Caesaerea, Capadoccia, her parents being Basil the Elder and Emmelia.
Her grandmother was St. Macrina the Elder and her three brothers were eminent figures in the Church: Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa and Peter of Sebaste.

Macrina’s parents arranged a marriage for her but her fiancé having died before the wedding, the bride turned to religion.
Well known as a holy woman and instructor of young women, she is honored as one of the most prominent nuns in the Eastern Church.
Her ascetic way of life had a profound influence on her brothers. She purposely gave up classical education in favor of the study of Scriptures and sacred writings. Her brother, Gregory of Nyssa wrote a life entitled, Life of Macrina, in which he describes the holiness of her life.
With the help of her younger brother, Peter, she turned her family estate at Pontus into a convent, where she died in 379.