2024 March for Life
Jan 19, 2024 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender
Thousands of thousands of pro-life Americans gathered in the nation’s capital on January 19, 2024, for the annual March for Life, marking 51 years since the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision legalized procured abortion in America.

Pressing the Attack
The American TFP’s participation included its Holy Choirs of Angels Band playing bagpipes, brass, fifes, and drums. The music was upbeat and firm, encouraging those marching to strengthen their resolve to defeat abortion.

Members of the TFP’s America Needs Fatima campaign carried a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, imploring supernatural help in this battle. The TFP-staffed St. Louis de Montfort Academy was also present in full force.
The TFP banner read: “Liberals spin recent setbacks to discourage pro-lifers. TFP says: ‘Fight on, with confidence! With God, we win!’”
Despite the freezing conditions and snow, an immense crowd filled the streets, including vast numbers of young people full of enthusiasm for the cause of the unborn and the future of the family. A veritable sea of banners and signs from groups around the nation blanketed the National Mall as the opening rally began.

The crowd included not only American groups but pro-lifers from other countries such as Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Brazil, Ecuador and others.
A highlight of this year’s March for Life was the presence of the very pro-life and pro-family Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. He offered the eager crowd words of encouragement at the National Mall before the start of the March.
Over the decades, the March for Life has united the movement and made all parties feel part of a huge single thrust engaged in the battle for the culture. Each pro-lifer becomes part of something greater, moving in sync toward the year’s new battles.

The sight of hundreds of thousands marching forward every year in Washington cannot fail to strike fear in pro-abortion advocates. The March is much more than a rally or protest. This youthful force set in motion creates the impression of invincibility.
The pro-abortion Women’s March will take place in Washington on January 20. Contrary to the massive pro-life crowds, the March’s website projects 591 confirmed participants. The Women’s March theme is “Bigger than Roe,” which links the abortion issue to socialism, the LGBTQ agenda, and other leftist causes.
Four Things to Remember as the Pro-life Movement Is Put to the Test
Volunteers of the American TFP distributed a flyer titled: “Four Things to Remember as the Pro-life Movement Is Put to the Test.”
The message focuses on four counsels for the pro-lifers as they face the future. “We must always remember the great victory in overturning Roe v. Wade. It shocked the world and achieved the impossible…The defeat of Roe only serves to prove that unlikely victory is possible.”

The TFP statement also emphasized that abortion is a moral issue, not a question of women’s rights. It explains that the battle is a religious one and a violent clash of two mindsets for God and against Him.
“We must resist the temptation to limit the debate to a secular discussion over the value of human life. The most important reason why procured abortion is wrong is that it offends an infinitely just and merciful God. Each unborn child sacrificed to today’s postmodern idols eliminates one plan of God that will never be realized. Violating God’s Law is an act of revolt against His Goodness.”
Finally, it states that the pro-life movement must have confidence in God. “Armed with confidence, let us courageously march forward against the evil spirits of these dark and depraved times, changing the debate with the supernatural reality of God’s aid.”
Fighting Full of Confidence
“The pro-abortion movement would like us to forget our victories and become discouraged,” said TFP Student Action leader John Ritchie. “However, we will not do so, and, confiding in God and His Holy Mother, we will defeat the culture of death!”
Success is especially evident on the state level. Since Roe v. Wade was struck down, 14 States implemented total bans with restrictions in several other states.
“This march calls for confidence,” commented Jon Paul Fabrizio, 20, a volunteer with TFP Student Action. “This is the time to redouble our efforts.”
The pro-life movement must adapt its tactics with its eyes fixed on a moral and abortion-free America. American pro-lifers cannot rest until procured abortion becomes unthinkable and God and His Blessed Mother are loved and obeyed.
“Now is the time to fight! Now is not the time for half-measures!” affirmed Preston Noell of the Tradition, Family, and Property’s Washington Bureau.
“The pro-aborts are reeling on their heels. We need to keep the pressure on and do whatever we can to win over our fellow compatriots so that they listen, not to the woke media that wants them to give up. Once again, now is the time to fight! We should always remember that we know the rest of the story, and the rest of the story is that God wins! Deus Vult!”