ANF Mailbox - What are people saying?
Jun 21, 2022 / Written by: America Needs Fatima
What our public say
“Mr. Ritchie, I believe all you write about our country; the good, the bad, and everything in between. The rosary is surely powerful, a most powerful tool, and Our Lady, the Blessed Mother, is all-powerful! I’m sorry I cannot join you as a Rosary Rally Captain; but along with my monetary support, I pledge to pray one hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament for the success of the Rosary Rallies!”
— M. L., Marion, Iowa
“I pray for America Needs Fatima daily, especially in our evening rosary prayers, and in thanksgiving for all that is done through prayer for the many needs people face. May God bless you all for the very helpful work you do for the spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters on this beautiful planet earth!”
— M. A., Burlington, Wisconsin
“Thank you! Thank you! Perfect rosary! I’m glad that I can offer something even though it is a small amount. Please know, I’ve been praying the rosary every day! Thanks for the encouragement to do so and continue doing so!”
— V. I., Indian Trail, North Carolina
“I love your calendars, particularly your Sacred Heart calendar. I hope that all the people who do not know Our Lord will receive your calendars and that it may lead them to the Sacred and Holy Heart of Jesus, and to the Trinity. May God give you strength and bless you in these very trying times. God help us, our country, and the world! May God be with you, especially in this battle against the evil of Satanism that exists and the devils that live among us. My rosary today will be for ANF to have a successful and triumphant year!”
— L. B., North Palm Beach, Florida
“Thank you for the rosaries, calendars, and pictures of Our beloved Lady of Fatima, and of Her Immaculate Heart in this instance. I distribute them to my friends to help spread the message of the Rosary from Fatima.”
— F. Q., Cerritos, California
“Any emails you send to me, I will forward to all the people in my family and friends. It takes me a lot of time to do as I’m not internet smart, but I am happy to do this to further Our Lady’s cause. Besides donating, this is my way of helping for as long as I’m able. Also, I give people Our Blessed Mother’s Miraculous Medal and all the rosaries that you've sent, especially to the sick and needy.”
— M. M., Joliet, Illinois
“I feel a great sense of loyalty to America Needs Fatima. It is important to me that ANF is successful because there are so many lost souls! And in my opinion, because of that, this world is in great turmoil. In great need of souls being saved.”
— C. H., Maringouin, Louisiana
“Thank you for the St. Michael rosary. I gave it to a man who made it through Hurricane Ian with his wife and son and even his house had no water inside. He had been a Catholic. I am hoping he will start practicing again, perhaps with the intercession of St. Michael. And his chaplet.”
— H. O., Burnside, Kentucky
“May Our Lord be with America! Oh, how we so, SO need Fatima even more every day! I hope that 2023 will be a year filled with tons and tons of blessings for everyone at ANF. I love donating to your Marian organization and membership groups for I truly am Her child. I received my rosary booklet from you; thank you, it is so, so beautiful, and I am enjoying using it!”
— C. M., Holden, Louisiana
“I am honored to be a Child of Mary and Our Lady’s Companion! I also offer my prayers and fasting for your efforts. May God reward you for the good work that you do for Our Lady! In Our Lady’s service. . .”
— Sr. M. E., Rochester, New Hampshire
“I’m glad to help as much as I can. When I donate, I don’t look at how much I have left. I trust in God. When I give, I receive. God gave me the intellect to be prudent, but He sees, and He provides. Thank you for understanding. We always fight against the Evil One with prayers. I am happy to raise my monthly Child of Mary gift from $13 to $16. God bless you.”
— M. C., Fresno, California
“I have already begun to pray for the success of the October Rosary Rallies and will continue to do so right up through the day they occur. I happily attended Rosary Rallies years ago, but as of now, as a 90-year-old, I must leave the ‘heavy lifting’ to younger people. But my prayers are ardent with you.”
— H. C., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
“Catholics have to rise up and protest the satanic rise in America—not only in our stores, but also streets, schools, homes.”
— R. M., The Villages, Florida
“I am a Child of Mary already and so glad to be one! You invited me to be one last year, and I was honored and blessed to join. So it is thanks to you that I am a child of Mary with my name recognized on a plaque at your headquarters and forever inscribed on Jesus’ heart. Thank you for inspiring people to love and believe in God. We appreciate it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mary of Fatima, Jesus’ mother. May God bless ANF, you all are the greatest!! Love ANF and what y’all do!
“You also sent me a Fatima rosary last year, which was beautiful. I’ve been using your 18-month Sacred Heart calendar. It’s the most beautiful calendar I have ever received. The pictures are so Christ-like and realistic. I will hang it up on my wall in my house. I have always wanted to have a sacred heart like Jesus, but now I know how to remain in His Heart forever, thanks to y’all. I hope my small donation gifts will help your efforts in inspiring others the same way you have inspired me. The whole world needs you, needs America Needs Fatima. I wholeheartedly hold this as true.”
— C. B., Metairie, Louisiana
“I am a catechist, so I save and share my excess copies of your photo of Our Lady of Fatima with my students. Some friends of mine also receive plenty of extra photos from you and they share them with me. I work with multiple groups of students, and I love to share Our Lady with them, so receiving multiple copies works for me.”
— A. S., Jasper, Indiana
“I am keeping ANF and your members and volunteers in my prayers. People don’t realize how much courage it takes to publicly stand in opposition to the sick and satanic grooming of our children, who are the future of America. I love praying for you all after daily Mass when we have group rosary in the chapel.”
— M. O., Mobile, Alabama
“Greetings to you, Robert, and to all the children of our blessed Mother Mary. Thank you for the rosary, and sorry for not using your reply envelope. While I was reading through the lines of your letter, tears started running down my face and the reply envelope became wet with them. You know tears are a language that God understands. Something miraculous happened while I read your words. I will surely write the whole story and send it to you as soon as possible. Please continue to pray for me and my family. Thank you for understanding. I would also like you to know that I was enrolled as a different kind of 'child of Mary' at the age of 9 when I made my First Communion and was confirmed in my original country Dominica. Since then, I remained devoted to Jesus and Mary. Thank you for the nice rosary sent to me here. May God bless us all. Please pray for me.”
— M. L., Miami, Florida
I want you to know that I’m now praying the rosary every day. I am praying that you will succeed in your venture. I really admire you and the others there at ANF for your deep devotion to the Blessed Mother of God. I do believe that what you are doing will make a positive impact on our Catholic Faith, and hopefully, as hard as you work, that the Blessed Virgin will intercede to her Son to grant us conversion and peace. Since I believe in what you are doing, I am going to assure you I will be sending my donation every month for as long as I’m able. I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and I wish you a Happy New Year! God Bless you all!”
— E. L., Sacramento, California
“I am not Catholic, but in the last few years, have been drawn more and more to learning more about the Church. The White Purity rosary you sent me is beautiful!!! Now I need to learn how to use it in prayer. I am interested in learning more about the rosary as a prayer. I am the widow of the most wonderful man and I have no idea how I could have been so lucky! Please say extra prayers for him. His name was Robert Leland B.”
— F. B., Naples, Florida
“We have the pleasure of enclosing a donation. We are taking 140 pilgrims to Fatima this year (Oct. 11-13th) for the 106th Year Anniversary of the Marian Apparitions to the Three Shepherd children. If you want us to promote you while we are visiting Fatima, tell us what you think we should do with any hand-outs or forms, etc. Our Lady has been extremely good to us this past year—and every year—and we wish to salute and honor her. No one works as hard as America Needs Fatima in telling the world about Our Lady, who is Queen of Heaven and Earth and the whole universe. We know how powerful the Rosary is and we strive to say it every day. Please keep us on your mailing list for your uplifting publications and emails. Please can you send us any free resource material/publications to help us promote America Needs Fatima. Hoping you and your team had a most blessed Christmas and wishing you all the best for 2023. Stay safe and keep up the good work. Best regards…”
— S. & M. M., Dallas, Texas
America Needs Fatima has definitely had a positive effect on my life. The Public Square Rosary Crusade, the various campaigns against blasphemy and the Saint Joseph Caravan for Traditional Marriage have inspired me to share, defend and love my Faith in a new way. On May 13, I will be making my Confirmation as an eighth grader in my parish. Could you please pray for me that I may become mature and courageous in my Catholic Faith? Thank you again for your wonderful example.
— M.O., Pennsauken, N.J.
On behalf of our 300 children and their families, please accept my heartfelt thanks to America Needs Fatima. Your very gracious donation of Miraculous Medals were blessed at our Living Rosary Prayer service and are now proudly worn by the members of our faith community. Thank you for helping us to share love and devotion for Our Blessed Mother. You are a blessing to us and will be remembered in our prayers.
— K.L., Whittier, Calif.
I prayed the 9-day novena, and pinned the medal on my sister-in-law’s gown at her hospital bed.
Only Our Blessed Mother knows the merits she gave her. After her sixth week of suffering, she was taken into heaven on October 8, very, very peacefully. Her younger daughter was in a Denver hospital awaiting a liver transplant, which Our Lady provided right on her birthday, October 17.
We are all getting back to normal, fighting our battle, and climbing each step with the Rosary.
— L.B. Cedar Crest, N.Mex.
I truly appreciate my 2004 Fatima Calendar. It was so beautiful I could not take my eyes off her. She’s so magnificently beautiful, and glowing like a diamond jewel. Thank you so much for sending it to me. It will be hung in a special place in my house where everyone will see it.
— P.B. Killeen, TX
Thank you so much for the precious gift of The Secret of the Rosary. Now I recite my Rosary with more devotion. It is hard, but with practice and prayer, I will do it better. I have many temptations when I recite the Rosary but I always fight it. May God bless you and protect you against the evil that wants to make everything difficult.
— M.C., Brockton, Mass.
I recently had the honor of a home visitation by our wonderful Mother and her kind and loving custodians. It was such a wonderful and happy occasion. Many of those present were family. There were about 50 including children. Many had not been to Mass or said the Rosary for many years and after our Mother’s visit they started going back to Mass and saying the Rosary.
I can’t thank you enough for bringing our Mother to my home. She was truly needed by all present.
— V. & A.M., Calif.
My husband was diagnosed last February with chronic myeloid leukemia, which was changing over to acute myeloid leukemia with blastemal cells, and the Philadelphia chromosome, which prolongs cellular division and is the last thing anybody with cancer should have. The doctors gave him a 10 percent chance of survival. He needed a bone marrow transplant and his sister was a perfect match. The day before he was diagnosed, I opened the Bible to pray for Keith and the message said for us to “endure what God has planned, for in the end there will be joy.”
I knew Keith was going to be cured, but I didn’t realize he would literally go through hell before it happened. The bone marrow didn’t take and the cancer came back with a vengeance! It traveled through the cerebral spinal fluid to his brain and attacked the right optic nerve, causing blindness in that eye.
After infections, intensive chemotherapy and several near-death experiences, the doctor told me to prepare for the worst. There was yet one last procedure that had about a 10 percent chance of success considering the type of leukemia he had. It was a T-cell infusion. His sister donated her white blood cells that were injected intravenously into Keith in the hope that the T cells would kill off the cancer cells and the Philadelphia chromosome as well.
This all happened right after Christmas, by which time you had sent me the Stories of Mary compact disc. I was alone one day and decided to listen to it while I was painting. It inspired me to talk sincerely to the Blessed Mother. She seemed to tell me to say the Rosary and the novena to the Miraculous Medal.
Keith and I said the Rosary together over the phone while he was in the hospital waiting for his sister’s cells to regenerate. On the ninth day, we said the Rosary together in the car on the way to his checkup. On that day, he took a blood test that would tell us the percentage of his cells to his sister’s cells, which happened on the final day of the novena. The results of that test came a day early. Keith received a phone call from his doctor. I heard him say, “I’m sitting down. OK . . . .” Then he put his hand to his mouth and yelled, “Are you kidding me?!” I thought, oh no, bad news.
I said to him, “What?” He looked at me with tears in his eyes and replied, “I’m 99 percent of my sister’s cells!” How we cried and hugged each other!
We thank the Blessed Mother so much and we thank Jesus for hearing her requests on Keith’s behalf!
Thank you so much for the Stories of Mary compact disc and for the novena to the Miraculous Medal! The hospital where Keith stayed heard about the miracle and the nurses are handing out the Miraculous Medals and praying the novena themselves!
Thank you for what you are doing. You may become weary from your work but your work is fruitful! I am so grateful for your fervor and for your love for the Lord and his Mother! You have brought us closer to our loving Lord and our Most Holy Mother.
God bless you a thousand times!
— N.E., Port Jefferson Station, N.Y
Believe or not, I received a total of 60 copies of Be Still and Know That I am God, and I distributed them among the people in my church. I see that now more people go to visit the Holy Sacrament!
— D.V.U., Miramar, Fla.
Your Crusade Magazine means a lot to us. The holy card of Our Lady of Fatima is indeed beautiful. I gave my card to a man who has severe congested heart problems. He has been away from the Church for many years and he has a soft spot for the Virgin Mary, so I figured the card would possibly help. Some of the people that I meet do not remember their prayers so the card is very helpful to them.
— J.O., Aguila, Ariz.
We want to express our sincere thanks to your organization for our blessed visit with Our Lady’s Pilgrim Statute yesterday and to compliment Joseph Ferrara on the tremendous and inspiring presentation. He is well grounded in his theology and knowledge, and was an excellent representative for your organization and Holy Mother’s cause.
— M.&E. H., Via e-mail
You all are to me the “Pearl of Great Price!” Perhaps I should substitute the word “Pearl” for “Diamond!” Your organization is multifaceted, with every facet giving honor and glory to God, Holy Mother Church, and encouraging and increasing greater devotion to Blessed Mother Mary and Saint Joseph. Thanks for your diligence, your devotion and this magnificent Web site that offers so much to think about, so much to discover and so much to pray for.
— V.L., Richmond, Va.
We are so grateful for the lovely pictures of Mary Immaculate! We distributed them to our 225 families and 316 children at our Living Rosary Celebration in October. You truly have blessed our families with your generosity.
— K.L., via email
I want to thank you for sending the picture of Our Lady of Good Counsel. As soon as I received it I framed it and placed it on the nightstand near my bed. May I share with you two pieces of good news that I attribute to Our Lady of Good Counsel?
Sometime in July, I was looking for a better job as a teacher, and I prayed daily to the Blessed Mother. During the last week of July, I walked into a school close to my house and inquired if they were hiring for the fall semester.
The assistant director said that I would have to call the next day and meet the director, which I did. The director hired me immediately with a salary that was far more than what I had expected. Now I am working there and thank the Mother of Good Counsel every day for it. The second good news concerns my nephew’s kidney transplant surgery on September 10, 2004.
The survival rate was one percent. He pulled through, and is now on the road to recovery. I had also sent my nephew a picture of the Mother of Good Counsel and asked him to pray.
— R.M., Long Beach, Calif.
I was thrilled and overjoyed when I was asked to have Our Lady of Fatima Statue visit our home in Batavia, N.Y. for two hours on Friday, November 5, 2004. It was a thrilling and spiritual experience for me, my friends and family. Everyone was so happy to be there and learn more about Our Lady.
Both Norman and Gabriel were helpful and very professional! I will always remember that awe-inspiring time with a deep feeling of contentment. I knew that I would be willing to “move mountains” to make sure that Our Lady could visit our home because she knew that I really wanted her there! And I would also be willing to welcome her back again into my home anytime!
— S.F., Batavia, N.Y.
I had worn the Miraculous Medal around my neck for many years, but after I took a trip to Ireland and fell in love with a beautiful little Gaelic gold cross, I started wearing that instead. I’d been wearing it for at least three years when something very interesting happened to me.
I was just about to throw away a letter from America Needs Fatima one day when something stopped me. For some unknown reason, I opened the envelope and the letter inside said, “Mrs. S., you need help or a grace.” Lo and behold, there was a Miraculous Medal and a nine-day novena inside the envelope. I thought, “Why is America Needs Fatima sending me a Miraculous Medal and a novena?”
I quickly looked at the calendar to see if there were nine days before my scheduled surgery. At first, I thought there weren’t, but I went back to look at the calendar again and realized that Saturday and Sunday were in one box. There were indeed nine days and I could say the novena until the day of my operation. I was speechless. It was as if Our Lady stepped in and said, “I’m not going to let you go through this alone. I’m with you.” My God, what a comfort! I was so grateful to you and your organization for sending me that letter and medal that I immediately put on the Miraculous Medal.
To make a long story short, three days after the operation, the doctor told me I was cured of my medical condition. I felt like a little girl when I screamed, “Our Lady did it! Our Lady did it!”
I’m almost crying as I write this and, of course, I will never take off my Miraculous Medal. In fact, the doctor allowed me to keep it on during my operation.
Thank you for letting me tell you what Our Lady did for me!
— C. S., Los Angeles, Calif.
For the past two to three weeks, I have had this feeling I needed to say the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. So I went to get it and could not find it anywhere. Finally, in my mind I asked the Lord, “Have I offended you that you are hiding from me?” As I went downstairs my husband was at the bottom of the stairs with our mail. I sat down right away to open the mail and there was His most glorious picture and His Novena. The tears came because I knew in my heart His answer!
— R.C., Spring Branch, Tex.
Thanks for sending me the very beautiful and spiritually enriching 2006 Fatima Calendar. It took my breath away when I opened the envelope and beheld it. Indeed America needs Fatima more than ever before because the spiritual battle is intensifying. Whatever happens in America affects greatly the cultural life in the rest of the world, including my native country, Nigeria.
Thanks for stirring in us a greater and deeper desire to pray to Our Lady of Fatima.
— J.P., Hyattsville, Md
One of your representatives called our house two days before my son was to head to Iraq for a year. I asked him to pray for my son. He told me to send my son a Miraculous Medal. I did but it wasn’t going to get to my son before he left since he was leaving at 2 a.m. and the medal was to arrive at 3 p.m. that day.
I was sad because I really wanted my son to have this medal. My son called me around 4 p.m. saying his plane was delayed because of mechanical problems and that he got the medal. He is now in Iraq. God bless all of you and a special thanks to your representative who called us.
— R.M., Manahawkin, N.J.
Rene and I want to thank you so very much for coming into our home with our lovely Lady of Fatima. We know that Our Lady will bless us in many ways and we are so thankful to her. You will never know how happy I was when you told me that I could keep her overnight, for not a moment was lost in spending time in prayer with her.
May Our Lady bless you for her call to you. Your program is wonderful and you present it very well. I think she loves you very much. You will always be in our prayers. Continue your good works.
— C.C., Biddeford, Maine
Thank you for your copy of Rejecting The Da Vinci Code. Is there no end to all of these horrendous attacks? And now DePaul University is showing “V——- Monologues.” I have done as you requested and mailed the protest card. What is the president of DePaul thinking of? Where is his bishop?
It appears this college needs a good housecleaning with brand-new leadership and staff put in place. Thank you for all you do. You try so hard, but certainly not in vain. Don’t lose courage and be of good heart. Our Blessed Mother will not let you down. Stay steady and on course. You know she will triumph!
— J.S., Lawrence, Mass.
I’m just writing you to say thank you for the Sacred Heart badges. I handed several of them out and now all the guys who go to church with me want them. Is there any chance that you can possibly send 15 of them? I would really appreciate it. I personally have mine hooked on my dog tags.
— Private A.D., U.S. Army Reserve Fort Knox, Ky.
I just read your article in Crusade on spreading the Sacred Heart badge. Upon reading about Our Lord’s request to Claire Ferchaud to encourage all to carry on them an image of His Sacred Heart, my dear recently deceased sister sent Sacred Heart badges to the British soldiers in Iraq. She received a very nice letter from a Catholic army chaplain saying that the soldiers were most grateful and were wearing the badges, trusting in Our Lord for their protection. Maybe you could send some to the American soldiers?
— Anonymous
Regarding your other article on protest against blasphemy, we took the example of our American fellow Catholics and did likewise here. We phoned and wrote to theaters, and arranged groups to protest The Da Vinci Code. We also succeeded in having a blasphemous cartoon removed from a major media’s web site the day after it appeared. Protest does work! We Catholics must defend our Blessed Savior, His Holy Mother and our Holy Church. We too must loudly proclaim Christ our King!
— E.S., Liverpool, England