FOX’s “The MICK” Subverts Children With Violence, Sex, and Drugs

February 01, 2017

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“The sexualization and moral corruption of these children is child abuse and child exploitation at its worst. No child should be subjected to a bondage gag, cross dressing, and sexual jokes.”

Lindsay Kornick with the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters writes: “There is nothing decent about The Mick. Not the topic, not the characters, and most definitely not the humor.” [my emphasis]

The Headlines Are Bad…

  • Little Boy in Dress Says It 'Breezes on My V*****' in Twisted Trailer for 'The Mick' (
  • Fox Comedy Features 6YO ‘Trans’ Boy Wearing Bondage Gag (

But the (printable) press reports are worse:

  • “…young children in heavily sexualized plot lines, crude sexual humor, all-around rotten morals…”
  • “The content of this unbelievable program included kids getting slapped in the face repeatedly, underage drinking, foul language, heavy alcohol consumption, and drug use.”
  • News Busters adds: “Mick wants to be the "cool aunt" so she brags about her use of Planned Parenthood, lets her teenage niece have boys over and comments approvingly when she hears loud banging coming from her room, "Your sister is getting fuu…” before censoring herself in front of her 7-year-old nephew.” [my emphasis]

Please Tell FOX: “The MICK” Must Go! - PROTEST NOW