Matthew Shibler
Questions and Answers with Matthew Shibler
How long have you been doing Fatima Home Visits?
Mr Shibler:
I’ve been doing Fatima Home Visits for 12 years.
Why have you decided to devote your life to this mission?
Mr Shibler:
Growing up, I was inspired by people who “gave” themselves to something, and I felt a big pull to participate in the ideological crusade of bringing souls back to Our Lady and the Church in an “all or nothing” fashion.
Most inspiring, during these years of being on the road and traveling all over America, is to see how people open their eyes to the Fatima Message, begin to live its meaning, and return to Our Lady.
What effect/graces/challenges/etc. have you personally witnessed at these visits?
Mr Shibler:
I see Our Lady, as a mother, visiting her children in need throughout the country. We have a schedule; but the more you are on the road, you realize Her schedule comes first!
Tell us your favorite or most touching Fatima Home Visit story.
Mr Shibler:
In Gaylord, Michigan, we arrived at the house of a gentleman who, accompanied by his family was awaiting the arrival of the Pilgrim Statue. We began to bring in our Fatima Home Visit items, and noticed that the family was despondent; many members weeping, especially the poor gentleman. As we returned to our vehicle for the crown of Our Lady, one family member followed us out. He told us that his father within 10 minutes, was expecting a confirmation call of having stage 4 cancer. By the time we returned to the house with the crown, the gentleman was on the phone receiving the devastating news. Being told by the family of the father’s illness, we began to express our promise of prayers and offer Our Lady’s visit as consolation…the family felt She was truly there for the them, more than their father; they needed Her visit to restore hope and peace in the Immaculate Heart, and were very consoled to sort out their emotions with Blessed Mother being present.