New Year's Resolutions 2.0*

Dec 03, 2021 / Written by: America Needs Fatima


Resolutions that will bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

We have all seen New Year’s Resolutions that come and go. And with every passing year, they seem to “go” quicker than they did the year before. Maybe that is because with each attempt at losing weight, going to the gym or eliminating negative mental chatter that fails, our “resolve” to execute the next resolution fails as well.

Below is a list of New Year’s Resolution GUARANTEED to do something more impressive than any other resolution known to man or woman. When faithfully lived out, these resolutions will change the world. Guaranteed.

How can this be?

Because Our Lady told us so at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. And Our Lady never lies.

So here is the countdown which will launch our families, our nation and our world into the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

Five First Saturday Article image


Begin your Five First Saturdays Devotion.

Let's Begin

Five First Saturday Devotion Card


Carry your FREE First Saturday devotion card with you everywhere as a constant reminder to practice the Five First Saturdays.

Order Yours today!

The Holy Rosary Article Image


Pray the Rosary; whether prayed monthly, weekly or daily, the rosary is the most efficacious prayer for these times.

Learn how!

Rosary Guide Booklet image


Put your beautiful, FREE America Needs Fatima Rosary Guide in a prominent place in your home as a reminder to pray your Rosary often.

Order today!

8x10 Picture of our Lady of Fatima


Create a sacred Prayer Space in your home. Any flat surface will do when decorated with a candle, some flowers and your FREE image of Our Lady of Fatima.

Get yours now!

Holy Souls Registry


Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and add the names of your loved ones to the ANF Holy Souls Registry.

Add your loved ones today!

Holy Souls Pledge


Take the Pledge for the Holy Souls

Pledge today!

Daily Quote Sign Up


Sign up for the Daily Quote from ANF to begin each day in a Catholic frame of mind.

Sign Up!

Generic RC Sign Up


Hold a Rosary Rally in October!

Sign Up here!

Practice for your October Rally by holding Monthly Rallies:

Three Hail Marys Pledge


Take the Three Hail Marys Pledge

Pledge today!

Total Consecration Article image


If you have not already done so, consecrate yourself to Our Lady according to the method developed by Saint Louis de Montfort.

Go Here!

This is the root and foundation of Marian devotion and guaranteed by that great Marian saint to usher in the triumph of her reign as Queen over heaven and earth!

*2.0 is used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc.