Saint of the Day
May 29, 2028 (All Day)
Yearly, starting from May 29, 2021, forever
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
St. William of Toulouse and Companions
St. William of Toulouse and Companions
All Day
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
All Day
Special Days
May 29, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly on the last Monday of the month in May, starting from May 27, 2024, forever |
St. Joan of Arc
St. Joan of Arc
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 30, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 30, 2021, forever |
St. Petronilla
St. Petronilla
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 31, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 31, 2021, forever
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
All Day
Feast Days
May 31, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 31, 2023, forever
Our Lady-Universal Mediatrix
Our Lady-Universal Mediatrix
All Day
Feast Days
May 31, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 31, 2023, forever |
St. Iñigo of Oña
St. Iñigo of Oña
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 1, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 1, 2021, forever |
Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 2, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 2, 2021, forever
First Friday
First Friday
All Day
June 2, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Friday of the month, starting from Oct 7, 2022, forever |
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 3, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 3, 2021, forever
First Saturday
First Saturday
All Day
June 3, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from Oct 8, 2022, forever |
St. Francis Caracciolo
St. Francis Caracciolo
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 4, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 4, 2021, forever |
St. Boniface of Mainz
St. Boniface of Mainz
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 5, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 5, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to St. Anthony
Begin your Novena to St. Anthony
All Day
June 5, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 5, 2021, forever |
St. Norbert of Magdeburg
St. Norbert of Magdeburg
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 6, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 6, 2021, forever |
St. Anthony Gianelli
St. Anthony Gianelli
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 7, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 7, 2021, forever |
St. William of York
St. William of York
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 8, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 8, 2021, forever |
St. Ephrem the Syrian
St. Ephrem the Syrian
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 9, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 9, 2021, forever |
St. Margaret of Scotland
St. Margaret of Scotland
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 10, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 10, 2021, forever |
St. Barnabas
St. Barnabas
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 11, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 11, 2021, forever |
St. Paula Frassinetti
St. Paula Frassinetti
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 12, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 12, 2021, forever |
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony of Padua
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 13, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 13, 2021, forever
2nd Fatima Apparition
2nd Fatima Apparition
All Day
June 13, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 13, 2023, forever |
St. Methodius of Constantinople
St. Methodius of Constantinople
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 14, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 14, 2021, forever |
St. Germaine of Pibrac
St. Germaine of Pibrac
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 15, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 15, 2021, forever |
St. Lutgardis
St. Lutgardis
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 16, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 16, 2021, forever |
St. Albert Chmielowski
St. Albert Chmielowski
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 17, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 17, 2021, forever |
St. Gregory Barbarigo
St. Gregory Barbarigo
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 18, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 18, 2021, forever
Father's Day
Father's Day
All Day
Special Days
June 18, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly on the third Sunday of the month in June, starting from Jun 16, 2024, forever |
St. Romuald
St. Romuald
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 19, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 19, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
All Day
June 19, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 19, 2021, forever |
Pope St. Silverius
Pope St. Silverius
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 20, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 20, 2021, forever |
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 21, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 21, 2021, forever |
Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More
Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 22, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 22, 2021, forever |
St. Thomas Garnet
St. Thomas Garnet
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 23, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 23, 2021, forever |
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 24, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 24, 2021, forever |
St. William of Vercelli
St. William of Vercelli
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 25, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 25, 2021, forever |
St. Anthelm of Belley
St. Anthelm of Belley
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 26, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 26, 2021, forever |
St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Cyril of Alexandria
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 27, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 27, 2021, forever
Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
All Day
Feast Days
June 27, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 27, 2023, forever |
St. Irenaeus of Lyon
St. Irenaeus of Lyon
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 28, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 28, 2021, forever |
Sts. Peter and Paul
Sts. Peter and Paul
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 29, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 29, 2021, forever |
First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 30, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 30, 2021, forever |
St. Junipero Serra
St. Junipero Serra
All Day
Saint of the Day
July 1, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jul 1, 2021, forever
First Saturday
First Saturday
All Day
July 1, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from Oct 8, 2022, forever |
St. Otto of Bamberg
St. Otto of Bamberg
All Day
Saint of the Day
July 2, 2028 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jul 2, 2021, forever |
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