Saint of the Day
April 29, 2030 (All Day)
Yearly, starting from Apr 29, 2021, forever
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena
All Day
Pope St. Pius V
Pope St. Pius V
All Day
Saint of the Day
April 30, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Apr 30, 2021, forever |
St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph the Worker
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 1, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 1, 2021, forever |
St. Athanasius of Alexandria
St. Athanasius of Alexandria
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 2, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 2, 2021, forever |
Sts. Philip and James
Sts. Philip and James
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 3, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 3, 2021, forever
First Friday
First Friday
All Day
May 3, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Friday of the month, starting from Oct 7, 2022, forever |
St. Gothard of Hildesheim
St. Gothard of Hildesheim
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 4, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 4, 2021, forever
First Saturday
First Saturday
All Day
May 4, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from Oct 8, 2022, forever |
St. Hilary of Arles
St. Hilary of Arles
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 5, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 5, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Fatima
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Fatima
All Day
May 5, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 5, 2021, forever |
St. Petronax of Monte Cassino
St. Petronax of Monte Cassino
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 6, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 6, 2021, forever |
St. John of Beverley
St. John of Beverley
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 7, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 7, 2021, forever |
St. Magdalena of Canossa
St. Magdalena of Canossa
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 8, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 8, 2021, forever |
St. Pachomius
St. Pachomius
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 9, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 9, 2021, forever |
St. Damien de Veuster of Moloka'i
St. Damien de Veuster of Moloka'i
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 10, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 10, 2021, forever |
St. Francis di Girolamo
St. Francis di Girolamo
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 11, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 11, 2021, forever |
Sts. Nereus, Achilleus and Pancras
Sts. Nereus, Achilleus and Pancras
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 12, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 12, 2021, forever
Mother's Day
Mother's Day
All Day
Special Days
May 12, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly on the second Sunday of the month in May, starting from May 12, 2024, forever |
St. John the Silent
St. John the Silent
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 13, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 13, 2021, forever
1st Fatima Apparition
1st Fatima Apparition
All Day
May 13, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 13, 2023, forever
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima
All Day
Feast Days
May 13, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 13, 2023, forever |
St. Matthias the Apostle
St. Matthias the Apostle
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 14, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 14, 2021, forever |
St. Isidore the Farmer
St. Isidore the Farmer
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 15, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 15, 2021, forever |
St. Brendan of Clonfert
St. Brendan of Clonfert
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 16, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 16, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to Our Lady Help of Christians
Begin your Novena to Our Lady Help of Christians
All Day
May 16, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 16, 2021, forever |
St. Paschal Baylon
St. Paschal Baylon
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 17, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 17, 2021, forever |
Pope St. John I
Pope St. John I
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 18, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 18, 2021, forever
St. Eric IX of Sweden
St. Eric IX of Sweden
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 18, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 18, 2021, forever |
St. Dunstan of Canterbury
St. Dunstan of Canterbury
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 19, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 19, 2021, forever |
St. Bernardine of Siena
St. Bernardine of Siena
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 20, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 20, 2021, forever |
St. Christopher Magallanes & Companions
St. Christopher Magallanes & Companions
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 21, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 21, 2021, forever |
St. Rita of Cascia
St. Rita of Cascia
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 22, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 22, 2021, forever |
St. John Baptist de Rossi
St. John Baptist de Rossi
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 23, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 23, 2021, forever |
St. Vincent of Lérins
St. Vincent of Lérins
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 24, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 24, 2021, forever
Our Lady Help of Christians
Our Lady Help of Christians
All Day
Feast Days
May 24, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 24, 2023, forever |
Pope St. Gregory VII
Pope St. Gregory VII
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 25, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 25, 2021, forever |
St. Philip Neri
St. Philip Neri
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 26, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 26, 2021, forever |
St. Augustine of Canterbury
St. Augustine of Canterbury
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 27, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 27, 2021, forever
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
All Day
Special Days
May 27, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly on the last Monday of the month in May, starting from May 27, 2024, forever |
St. Germanus of Paris
St. Germanus of Paris
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 28, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 28, 2021, forever |
St. William of Toulouse and Companions
St. William of Toulouse and Companions
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 29, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 29, 2021, forever |
St. Joan of Arc
St. Joan of Arc
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 30, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 30, 2021, forever |
St. Petronilla
St. Petronilla
All Day
Saint of the Day
May 31, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 31, 2021, forever
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
All Day
Feast Days
May 31, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 31, 2023, forever
Our Lady-Universal Mediatrix
Our Lady-Universal Mediatrix
All Day
Feast Days
May 31, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from May 31, 2023, forever |
St. Iñigo of Oña
St. Iñigo of Oña
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 1, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 1, 2021, forever
First Saturday
First Saturday
All Day
June 1, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from Oct 8, 2022, forever |
Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
All Day
Saint of the Day
June 2, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Jun 2, 2021, forever |
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