Saint of the Day
August 26, 2030 (All Day)
Yearly, starting from Aug 26, 2021, forever
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
St. Elizabeth Bichier des Ages
St. Elizabeth Bichier des Ages
All Day
St. Monica
St. Monica
All Day
Saint of the Day
August 27, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Aug 27, 2021, forever |
St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Augustine of Hippo
All Day
Saint of the Day
August 28, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Aug 28, 2021, forever |
Passion of John the Baptist
Passion of John the Baptist
All Day
Saint of the Day
August 29, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Aug 29, 2021, forever |
St. Margaret Ward
St. Margaret Ward
All Day
Saint of the Day
August 30, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Aug 30, 2021, forever |
St. Aidan of Lindisfarne
St. Aidan of Lindisfarne
All Day
Saint of the Day
August 31, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Aug 31, 2021, forever
Begin your Nativity of Our Lady Novena
Begin your Nativity of Our Lady Novena
All Day
August 31, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Aug 31, 2021, forever |
St. Drithelm
St. Drithelm
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 1, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 1, 2021, forever |
St. William of Roskilde
St. William of Roskilde
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 2, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 2, 2021, forever
Labor Day
Labor Day
All Day
Special Days
September 2, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly on the first Monday of the month in September, starting from Sep 2, 2024, forever |
Pope St. Gregory the Great
Pope St. Gregory the Great
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 3, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 3, 2021, forever |
St. Rose of Viterbo
St. Rose of Viterbo
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 4, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 4, 2021, forever |
St. Laurence Giustiniani
St. Laurence Giustiniani
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 5, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 5, 2021, forever |
St. Bega
St. Bega
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 6, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 6, 2021, forever
First Friday
First Friday
All Day
September 6, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Friday of the month, starting from Oct 7, 2022, forever |
St. Clodoald
St. Clodoald
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 7, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 7, 2021, forever
First Saturday
First Saturday
All Day
September 7, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from Oct 8, 2022, forever
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows
All Day
September 7, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 7, 2021, forever |
St. Adrian of Nicomedia
St. Adrian of Nicomedia
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 8, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 8, 2021, forever
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
All Day
Feast Days
September 8, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 8, 2023, forever |
St. Peter Claver
St. Peter Claver
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 9, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 9, 2021, forever |
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 10, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 10, 2021, forever |
St. Paphnutius
St. Paphnutius
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 11, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 11, 2021, forever |
St. Guy of Anderlecht
St. Guy of Anderlecht
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 12, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 12, 2021, forever
The Most Holy Name of Mary
The Most Holy Name of Mary
All Day
Feast Days
September 12, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 12, 2023, forever |
St. John Chrysostom
St. John Chrysostom
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 13, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 13, 2021, forever
5th Fatima Apparition
5th Fatima Apparition
All Day
September 13, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 13, 2021, forever |
St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse
St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 14, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 14, 2021, forever
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
All Day
Feast Days
September 14, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 14, 2023, forever |
St. Nicomedes
St. Nicomedes
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 15, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 15, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to St. Padre Pio
Begin your Novena to St. Padre Pio
All Day
September 15, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 15, 2021, forever
Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Sorrows
All Day
Feast Days
September 15, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 15, 2023, forever |
Pope St. Cornelius
Pope St. Cornelius
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 16, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 16, 2021, forever |
St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Robert Bellarmine
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 17, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 17, 2021, forever |
St. Joseph of Cupertino
St. Joseph of Cupertino
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 18, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 18, 2021, forever |
St. Januarius of Benevento
St. Januarius of Benevento
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 19, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 19, 2021, forever |
St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon and Companions
St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon and Companions
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 20, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 20, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots
Begin your Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots
All Day
September 20, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 20, 2021, forever |
St. Matthew the Evangelist
St. Matthew the Evangelist
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 21, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 21, 2021, forever
Begin Novena to St. Michael
Begin Novena to St. Michael
All Day
September 21, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 21, 2023, forever |
St. Thomas of Villanova
St. Thomas of Villanova
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 22, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 22, 2021, forever |
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 23, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 23, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Begin your Novena to St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus
All Day
September 23, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 23, 2021, forever |
St. Gerard of Csanad
St. Gerard of Csanad
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 24, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 24, 2021, forever
Our Lady of Ransom
Our Lady of Ransom
All Day
Feast Days
September 24, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 24, 2023, forever |
St. Albert of Jerusalem
St. Albert of Jerusalem
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 25, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 25, 2021, forever
Our Lady, the Divine Shepherdess
Our Lady, the Divine Shepherdess
All Day
Feast Days
September 25, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 25, 2023, forever |
Sts. Cosmas and Damian
Sts. Cosmas and Damian
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 26, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 26, 2021, forever |
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 27, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 27, 2021, forever |
St. Wenceslaus
St. Wenceslaus
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 28, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 28, 2021, forever
Our Lady Undoer of Knots
Our Lady Undoer of Knots
All Day
Feast Days
September 28, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 28, 2023, forever |
Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel
Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 29, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 29, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary
All Day
September 29, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 29, 2021, forever |
St. Jerome
St. Jerome
All Day
Saint of the Day
September 30, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 30, 2021, forever
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy
Begin your Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy
All Day
September 30, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Sep 30, 2021, forever |
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
All Day
Saint of the Day
October 1, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Oct 1, 2021, forever |
St. Leodegar
St. Leodegar
All Day
Saint of the Day
October 2, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Oct 2, 2021, forever
The Guardian Angels
The Guardian Angels
All Day
Feast Days
October 2, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Oct 2, 2022, forever |
St. Thomas of Cantelupe
St. Thomas of Cantelupe
All Day
Saint of the Day
October 3, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Oct 3, 2021, forever |
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi
All Day
Saint of the Day
October 4, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Oct 4, 2021, forever
First Friday
First Friday
All Day
October 4, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Friday of the month, starting from Oct 7, 2022, forever |
Bl. Raymond of Capua
Bl. Raymond of Capua
All Day
Saint of the Day
October 5, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Oct 5, 2021, forever
First Saturday
First Saturday
All Day
October 5, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Monthly on the first Saturday of the month, starting from Oct 8, 2022, forever |
St. Bruno
St. Bruno
All Day
Saint of the Day
October 6, 2030 (All Day) Repeats Yearly, starting from Oct 6, 2021, forever |
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