Society & Culture, Educational
The Misleading Genderqueer Dialectic
The term genderqueer has appeared out of thin air and is supposed to mean that a person is attracted to male or female, both or neither. It is a self-identifying label that also means that one is neither male nor female but an androgynous hybrid or rejection of both. If this seems confusing—it is.
Society & Culture, Educational
Cuba’s Free Trade Farce
With more than 54 years of consistent economic failure to their credit, Cuba’s communist dictators, the Castro brothers, are now about to show the world how to do business by building a new deep-sea port in the small town of Mariel, 30 minutes from Havana.
Society & Culture, Educational
North Korea’s Faux Freedom
Communist North Korea is in the news again for something it does well—practicing hypocrisy and tyranny. This case involves nine young men between the ages of 15 and 23 who heroically endured severe hardship that included frostbite, malnutrition and regular beatings during a four-year effort to escape the dreadful conditions in their homeland.
Society & Culture, Educational
Raising a Fracas about Fracking
To frack or not to frack is the question, and liberals would like everyone to be against fracking based on arguments that the practice destroys the environment. Unfortunately, this emotional and sensational appeal is made by environmentalists who twist the facts to further their anti-civilization agenda.
Society & Culture, Educational
Vietnam Frightened by Freedom
Vietnam, another behemoth with clay feet, is frightened that its population might have something to say contrary to the Communist “paradise” in which they live. Freedom of speech in Vietnam is so free that its 30 million Internet users now risk severe punishment or death if they share opinions or news articles contrary to the party line on their Twitter or Facebook accounts.