Living The Christian Life

Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Why Everyone Needs the First Commandment
Most people don’t have a problem with some of the Ten Commandments. There are atheists, for example, who will admit that one should not kill, steal or lie. Thus, posting those specific Commandments in public classrooms or buildings would pose no problem.

The Fatima Message, Educational, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Why Are Signs Appearing in the Heavens, and What Do They Mean?
By all metrics, the skies of 2024 are overwhelming in their display of the extraordinary. Celestial spectacles are appearing with increasing frequency for those who know how to gaze heavenward in wonder.

Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life
None Dare Call This A Chastisement
American society faces many grave problems: the election results, the storming of the Capitol, Antifa, civil unrest and the coronavirus politics. The one thing these problems all have in common is that they are the result of a moral crisis.

Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life
Pro-Choice: The Choice of Failure
In a stunning exposé revealing the truth about the abortion movement, Time Magazine ran a January 2013 cover article titled “Roe v. Wade, They’ve Been Losing Ever Since.” Young women and politicians alike are distancing themselves from the abortion industry and have now even chosen to depart from their cherished cliché—pro-choice.

Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life
Stand Up For Tradition
After having attended a sold-out and inspirational Handel’s Messiah, one was left to reflect upon the well-attended, enthusiastic and inspired crowd. In an age where much entertainment is reduced to sound bites and portable electronic devices, it was amazing to observe the great number who attended a two hour long musical performance.

Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life
Do Sports, Not Religion
Sports columns are not complaining about Tim Tebow's abilities as a quarterback, but the fact that he seems to be going against the grain of the mainstream liberal sports establishment by actually practicing what he professes publicly–his Christianity.

Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Christmas Fights Back
Despite this world’s banning of Christmas scenes in the public square, the proclaiming of “holiday trees” and use of the sterile greetings such as “Happy Holidays,” the spirit of Christmas cannot so easily be suppressed.