Society & Culture, Educational
Murder on Demand
The culture of death is again attempting to rationalize infanticide with a kinder, gentler euphemism they call “after-birth abortions.” The central tenet of this latest approach revolves around the relativist argument that if a child can be killed in the mother’s womb for reasons of convenience, then why not murder the child after it is born with the same rationale?
Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life
Do Sports, Not Religion
Sports columns are not complaining about Tim Tebow's abilities as a quarterback, but the fact that he seems to be going against the grain of the mainstream liberal sports establishment by actually practicing what he professes publicly–his Christianity.
Society & Culture, Educational, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith
Christmas Fights Back
Despite this world’s banning of Christmas scenes in the public square, the proclaiming of “holiday trees” and use of the sterile greetings such as “Happy Holidays,” the spirit of Christmas cannot so easily be suppressed.