Battling Satan in Scottsdale
May 13, 2022 / Written by: David Dunlap
On February 11-13, 2022, where many witnessed the clash of the powers of heaven with the forces of hell. At the Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona, The Satanic Temple held the first SatanCon conference.
The program was shocking. Topics discussed were “Abortion as a (Religious) Right,” how to start “After School Satan Clubs” and “Raising Children in a Satanic Household.”
The theme of this Satanic conference was Lupercalia, a festival of pagan Rome that “was a bloody, violent and sexually charged celebration awash with animal sacrifice, random matchmaking and coupling,” according to History.com.
A protest was organized in part by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), which supplied the banners and program materials. Local organizer Jesse Romero mobilized the faithful and led the rallies. Thus, hundreds of faithful Catholics responded to this Satanic outrage by attending three hours of peaceful and prayerful protests for three hot days outside the Saguaro Hotel.
Overwhelming Support from and for Scottsdale
“It seems that almost everyone who drives by is smiling or giving a thumbs up or something like that. There were a couple of middle fingers, curses, devil horns and people walking by trying to intimidate us, but I expect that from Satanists, and it didn’t faze us,” said Joseph, a tireless protester who attended the rallies.
Honks, waves, thumbs-up, words of encouragement and thanks greeted the crowds of Catholics from the cars and pedestrians on E Indian School Rd near the hotel. One woman laid on her horn continuously for many passes and afterward joined the protest.
Most of the three hundred protest participants were locals who were sick of Satanism. Since 2016, Scottsdale has been battling Satanists who demanded to lead an invocation at its city council meeting. That is why when locals heard that Jesse Romero was organizing a Rosary Rally of reparation against this Satanic conference, they were overjoyed.
In addition, people flew and drove from all over the country, from Minnesota to Texas and California to New York.
The Program on the First Day
At noon on Friday, faithful prayer warriors met for instructions and opening prayer at the Scottsdale City Hall. From there, they marched to and processed around the Saguaro Hotel with a statue of Our Lady held high on their shoulders, bagpipes playing and people praying.
The marchers then halted in front of the hotel to finish the three hours of prayer. A TFP standard glowed red in the Arizona afternoon sun. Banners declaring the purpose of the protest were everywhere.
To finish, Jesse Romero gave an inspirational talk to encourage Catholics and thank everyone who braved the hot weather to battle Satanism. The crowd was such that those who led the Rosary or spoke had to use a megaphone so the crowd could hear. Father David Nix then blessed the sprawling crowd.

The Second Day
Once again, the Queen of the Angels led the column of faithful prayer warriors into the fray at midday. Participants braved another day of prayers and reparation in the hot afternoon sun. Their sacrifice and bravery attracted the angels to their side.
The rally’s only active opposition came not from the Satanists but from an unexpected group of loud Protestants, who took issue with the Catholic devotion to the Blessed Mother of God.
They intruded with a very loud speaker yelling insults against her Queenship and her powerful intercession. When given a choice between joining forces with the Catholics to shut down the Satanists or attacking God’s Mother, they chose the latter. Police asked them to leave.

The Final Day
Sunday was by far the day with the most enthusiasm. People were praying and singing louder; they boldly faced the street unashamed and proudly manifested their opposition to Satan.
Everyone had the impression that Our Lady and her heavenly hosts had conquered Scottsdale. The protesters became more determined. Men knelt to pray the Rosary with their arms in the form of a cross. People held their rosaries up high when they prayed.
TFP supporter Leo Fitzsimmons rallied the troops with a rousing singing of the “Ave” after each decade of the Rosary.
After the final rally, many felt a camaraderie that came from suffering together for a cause. People were almost reluctant to leave.

The Continuous Fight
In 1917, Our Lady of Fatima foretold that, without a complete universal conversion initiated by the consecration of Russia to her most Immaculate Heart, the errors of Russia would spread throughout the entire world. The Scottsdale Satanist convention is a symptom of the devil’s offensive in today’s world.
Our Lady also foretold her triumph, which will only be obtained through prayer, sacrifice and faithfulness to Christ, His Blessed Mother and His Church.
This Rosary Rally led by Jesse Romero shows that it is possible to rally around Our Lady to serve her Son in the fight against sinful disorder in the world. The fight goes on. Where will you be when the forces of evil attack the City of God next?
To paraphrase Pope Callixtus III, “Beloved son! Continue to defend the Catholic Faith; God, for whom you fight, will not abandon His cause. He will, I am confident, grant success against [Satan] and the other unbelievers to you and the rest of the Christians with great glory and honor.”